German Shepherd Dog League NSW. Inc.
State Breed Assesment.

Panel of NSW GSD Specialist Judges
14th - 15th August 2010

The Information & spelling on these pages is to the best of my knowledge correct.
If anyone can prove otherwise, I will be only to happy to correct any mistakes.

Judge: Kim Gregory

Class 1 - BABY PUPPY DOG No: 1 - 6 VP.

1. Aduele Jaguar. 2 - 3 - 10
(Freevale Sweet Lachlan X Aduele Divine Diva)

2. Kingland Yutu Yatzee.
(Kelinpark Quasar X Kingland Ooh La La)

3. Freevale Organised Chaos. 31 - 3 - 10
(Ch. Freevale Causin Chaos X Freevale Sweet Nothings)

4. Andacht Feel The Fire. 5 - 5 - 10
(Andacht I am Legend X Andacht Flying Fox)

5. Andacht Feel The Force. 5 - 5 - 10
(Andacht I am Legend X Andacht Flying Fox)

6. Eaglevale Grand Maitre. 8 - 5 -10
(Dellahund Kic Atinalong X Eaglevalae Bal Masque)

Judge: Glen Gregory

Class 1A - BABY PUPPY BITCH No: 1 - 12 VP.

1. Aduele Jarlira. 2 - 3 - 10
(Freevale Sweet Lachlan X Aduele Divine Diva)

2. Tannalane Ambrosia. 3 - 3 - 10
(Cayos Von Der Noriswand X Tannalane Brandy Queen)

3. Conkasha Destinies Child. 5 - 4 - 10
(Fellow Von Santamar X Conkasha Xena)

4. Bossface Lexi. 11 - 3 - 10
(Andacht I Am Legend X Bossface Bohemian)

5. Freevale Causin Sweet Chaos. 31 - 3 - 10
(Ch. Freevale Causin Chaos X Freevale Sweet Nothings)

6. Freeval Sitting Pretty. 3 - 5 - 10
(Zamb Von Der Sansteinkuste X Freevale Pretty In Pink)

Judge: Reg Bonello

Class 2 - MINOR PUPPY DOG No: 1 - 2 VP. 3 P. 4 UG.

1. Sundaneka Yogi Bear. 6 - 1 - 10
(Philip Aus Der Neuen Hauff Strasse X Sundaneka Burmuda Rose)

2. Bossface Kendric. 1 - 2 - 10
(Lashadas Ace of Hearts X Eigenschaft Nordic Sky)

3. Andacht Legend Of Caesar. 14 - 2 - 10
(Andacht I Am Legend X Andacht Olivia)

4. Raennik Eko. 24 - 11 - 09
(Alpinbase Karlo X Raennik Bindi)

Judge: Melanie Groth

Class 2A - MINOR PUPPY BITCH No: 1- 14 VP.

1. Bemboka Inner Star. 12 - 12 - 09
(Ch. Schneeberg Fire Storm X Bemboka Evening Star)

2. Asterhund Jewel. 4 - 1 - 10
(Fellow Von Santamar X Asterhund Evangelina)

3. Sunhaze Brown Suger. 16 -11 -09
(Cayos Von der Noriswand X Sunhaze Electric)

4. Schneeberg Fairy Floss. 28 - 11 - 09
(Ch. Schneeberg Fire Storm X Bruvic Tramontane Maggie)

5. Sheznova Solitaire. 4 - 1 - 10
(Ch. Kwint Vom Juerikstall X Sheznova Star Esprit)

6. Freevale Got The Look. 27 - 1 - 10
(Ch. Freevale Causin Chaos X Ch. Freevale Unforgetable)

7. Sunhaze Insync. 18 - 11 - 09
(Cayos Von der Noriswand X Sunhaze Intense)


Judge: Melanie Groth

Class 3 - PUPPY DOG No: 1 VP. 2 P.

1. Andacht Raz N Hell. 13 - 10 - 09
(Cayos Von der Noriswand X Andacht Super Fortress)

2. Aimsway Samuel.
(Aimsway Aramis X Aimsway Milkado)

Judge: Ken Northcote

Class 3A - PUPPY BITCH No: 1 - 6 VP. 7 - 8 P.

1. Jonkahra Simply Irresistible. 31 - 8 - 09
(Ch. Freevale Causin Chaos X Jonkahra Lets Elope)

2. Freevale Secret Girls Stuff. 9 - 9 - 09
(Freevale Sweet Lachlan X Jolly Vom Thermodos)

3. Andacht Piccadilly Lilly. 13 - 10 - 09
(Cayos Von der Noriswand X Andacht Super Fortress)

4. Khayem Gulina. 1 - 11 - 09
(Cayos Von der Noriswand X Lilli VomTrompetersprung)

Judge: Reg Bonello

Class 4 - JUNIOR DOG No: 1 - 2 VGM. 3 - 6 VG.

1. Vladimir Envy This. 22 - 6 - 09
(Fremont Too Hot To Handle X Vladimir Anarchy)

2. Schneeberg Ultimately Kryptic. 25 - 3 - 09
(Fremont Too Hot To Handle X Schneeberg Pure Charm)

3. Narathor Jazz Beat. 4 - 8 - 09
(Ch. Glenbala Wildgrand Finale. ET. X Ch Bhuachaille Jazz Leader)

4. Freevale Gotcha Good. 16 - 5 - 09
Ch. Kwint Vom Juerikstall X Ch. Feevale Envious Eyes)

5. Ch. Freevale On The Prowl. 25 - 5 - 09
Cayos Von Der Noriswand X Ch. Freevale Love Me Crazy)

6. Sundaneka Troy. 9 - 6 - 09
(Ch. LaShadas Ace Of Hearts X Sundaneka Bonnie Belle)

Judge: Fay Stokes

Class 4A - JUNIOR BITCH No: 1 - 3 VGM. 4 - 15 VG. 16 G.

1. Sundaneka Scandalous. 11- 3 - 09
(Phillip Aus Der Neuen Hauustrasse X Sundaneka French Kiss)

2. Freevale State Othe Heart. 13 - 5 - 09
(Freevale Sweet Lachlan X Ch Eigenschaft Regal Flame)

3. Durnstein Dirty Dancing. 12 - 7 - 09
(Ch. Schneeberg Fire Stom X Ch. Durnstein Zensation)

4. Freevale State Othe Art. 13 - 5 - 09
(Freevale Sweet Lachlan X Ch Eigenschaft Regal Flame)

5. Vladimir Envy Is a Sin. 22 - 6 - 09
(Fremont Too Hot To Handle X Vladimir Anarchy)

6. Beychief Carousel. CCD. 15 - 7 - 09
(Dellahund Kic Atinalong X Vonpeta Dipstick)

7. Dellahund Under Wraps. 19 - 1 - 09
(Yacko Vom Holtkamp See X Dellahund Kic N Katch)

8. Beycheif Hoopla. 15 - 7 - 09
(Dellahund Kic Atinalong X Vonpeta Dipstick)

Judge: Glen Gregory

Class 5 - INTERMEDIATE DOG No: 1 - 7 VG.

1. Vladimir Chicka Wah Wah. 3 - 10 - 07
(Ch. Uras Von Trafalga X Vladimir Olymp Brook)

2. Ch. Niquistar Orsom Major. 12 - 10 - 08
(Cayos Von Der Noriswand X Amstelpils Anika)

3. Tannalane Chamois. 5 - 8 - 08
(Cayos Von Der Noriswand X Tannalane Brandy Queen)

4. Narathor Jazz Drummer. 11 - 6 - 08
Cayos Von Der Noriswand X Ch. Bhuachaille Jazz Leader)

5. Freevale Nothing Too Serious. 12 - 12 - 08
(As Du Domaine Du Val D’Aulnoy X Freevale Sweet Nothings)

6. Siobahn Kentucky. 13 - 4 - 08
(Diego Vom Hasseltal X Siobahn Panache)

7. Andacht Cayo Noris. 29 - 7 - 08
Cayos Von Der Noriswand X Andacht Olivia)

Judge: Kim Gregory

Class 5A - INTERMEDIATE BITCH No: 1 - 3 VGM. 4 - 11 VG.

1. Andacht Zindi. 4 - 9 - 08
(Andacht Don Pedro X Andacht Zuzi)

2. Ch. Vladimir Denim N Lace. 2 - 11 - 08
(Iccara Undercover Agent X Vladimir Olymp Brook)

3. Conkasha Dakota Star. 20 - 11 - 08
(Lashadas Xcellento X Conkasha Sharlette)

4. Kuirau Takeira. 1 - 10 - 08
(Ch. Kwint Vom Juerikstall X Kuirau Jubilation)

5. Ambala Candy. 19 - 3 - 08
(Cayos Von Der Noriswand X Ambala All That Jazz)

6. Andacht Magic Wand. 29 - 7 - 08
(Cayos Von Der Noriswand X Andacht Olivia)

7. Dellahund Under Wraps. 19 - 1 - 09
(Yacko Vom Holtkamp See X Dellahund Kic N Katch)

Judge: Melanie Groth

Class 11 - OPEN DOG No: 1 - 4 EM. 5 - 9 EX.

1. NZ. Ch. Oakway Quiz Master. 30 - 3 - 03
(Ingo Von Frankengold X Ch. Oakway Body Language)

2. Freevale Sweet Lachlan. 9 - 11 - 06
(Aimsway Stone Cold X Ch. Freevale Crazy For Love)

3. Ch. Freevale Causin Chaos. 14 - 10 - 07
(Cayos Von der Noriswand X Ch. Eigenschaft Regal Flame)

4. Ch. Schneeberg Fire Storm. 1 - 9 - 07
(Scheer Jose Cuervo X Ch. Schneeberg Pure Charm)

5. Dellahund Party Prize. 11 - 5 - 07
(Dellahund Desert Driver X Dellahund High N Posh)

6. Zamb Von Der Sanstein Kuste. 23 - 5 - 07
(Quantum Vom Fiemereck X Wiggi v Bauno Fer-Land)

7. Sunhaze Outragious. 26 - 5 - 07
(Cayos Von Der Noriswand X Sunhaze Lyca)

8. Dellahund Kic Atinalong. 19 - 11 - 05
(Ch. Uras Von Trafalga X Dallahund Unique Harmony)

9. Ambala Toblarone. 19 - 3 - 08
(Cayos Von Der Noriswand X Ambala All That Jazz)


Judge: Fay Stokes

Class 11A - OPEN BITCH No: 1 - 10 EXM. 11 - 21 EX.

1. Andacht Super Fortress. 20 - 1 - 05
(Unox Von Aducht X Andacht Spearitt)

2. Ch. Karmay Kokoda. 14 - 3 - 06
(Ch. Ambala Caprio X Indara Bit Of Class)

3. Ch. Freevale Crazy In Pink. 6 - 2 - 08
Cayos Von Der Noriswand X Ch. Freevale Crazy For Love)

4. Gr. Ch. Vladimir Anarchy. 30 - 7 - 05
(Unshaus Storm Strike X Vladimir Olymp Brook)

5. Jolly Vom Thermodos. 20 - 3 - 06
(Zamp Vom Thermodos X Mira Vom Zellergrund)

6. Tannalane Lakota Belle. 27 5 - 06
(Ch. Ambala Caprio X Druann Fantasia)

7. Aldaina Bronack. 7 - 4 - 07
(Ch. Ambala Caprio X Aldaina Bijanka)

8. Lilli Vom Trompetersprung. 9 - 3 - 06
(Pakros Ulmental X Ronja Bottroper Grenze)

9. Sundaneka Izzy Stardust. 12 - 2 - 07
(Orpheus Von Der Krauterweise X Sundaneka Tulua)

10. Senmora All About Magic. 3 - 9 - 07
(Dellahund Desert Driver X Conkasha Wicked Princess)

11. Narathor Finn Femme Fatale. 4 - 5 - 07
(Glenbala Wild Grand Finale X Bhuachaille Over All)




7. Aljudan Mikalodeon. 22 - 2 - 10
(Mika Vom Overledingerland X Aljudan Cracklin Rosie)

8. Kingland Yutu Yatzee.
(Kelinpark Quasar X Kingland Ooh La La)

9. Larmada Narda Lee. 11 - 5 - 10
(Cayos Von Der Noriswand X Aldaina Berdine)

10. Andacht Feel The Magic. 5 - 5 - 10
(Andacht I am Legend X Andacht Flying Fox)

11. Freeval Pretty As A Picture. 3 - 5 - 10
(Zamb Von Der Sansteinkuste X Freevale Pretty In Pink)

12. Sunhaze Melting Moments. 10 - 4 - 10
(Cayos Von Der Noriswand X Sunhaze Anique)

8. Kelinpark Xena. 2 - 2 - 10
(Kelinpark Quasar X Kelinpark Pinot Noir)

9. Freevale If Looks Could Kill. 27 - 1 - 10
(Ch Freevale Causin Chaos X Ch. Freevale Unforgetable)

10. Schneeberg Skittles. 28 - 11 - 09
(Ch. Schneeberg Fire Storm X Bruvic Tramontane Maggie)

11. Kulglen Holly. 31 - 12 - 09
(Jimmy Vom Baruther Land X Kulglen Galen)

12. Andacht Velma.
(Scooby Doo v Team Zelwaldrand X Andacht I Am Legacy)

13. Sundaneka Xaska. 1 - 12 - 09
(Ch. Lashadas Ace Of Hearts X Sundaneka Calypso Queen)

14. Schfax Tia Lombo.
(Komlohof Balboa X Tannalane Abbey Road)

5. Sundaneka White Satin. 11 - 11 - 09
(Phillip Aus Der Neuen Hauustrasse X Sundaneka Tulua)

6. Khayem Galina. 1 - 11 - 09
(Cayos Von der Noriswand X Lilli VomTrompetersprung)

7. Andacht Mempis Belle. 13 - 10 - 09
(Cayos Von der Noriswand X Andacht Super Fortress)

8. Cossavane Jjorga. 7 - 11 - 09
(Ch Uras Von Trafalga X Cossavane Bedazzled)

9. Kelinpark Violet Krumble. 28 - 3 - 09
(Cayos Von Der Noriswand X Kelinpark Jaffa)

10. Sundaneka Tallulah. 0 - 6 - 09
(Ch. Lashadas Ace Of Hearts X Sundaneka Bonnie Belle)

11. Kelinpark Vanilla Fudge. 28 - 3 - 09
(Cayos Von Der Noriswand X Kelinpark Jaffa)

12. Durnstein Divine Miss M. 12 - 7 - 09
(Ch. Schneeberg Fire Stom X Ch. Durnstein Zensation)

13. Takimbre Chloes Star. 5 - 4 - 09
(Rico Von Der Kleinen Birke X Takimbre Viking Lass)

14. Treuschutzer Shootin Stars. 16 - 5 - 09
(Dellahund Kic Atinalong X Depresh Star Do Shine)

15. Incavale Sanchica. 10 - 8 - 09
(Andacht Don Pedro X Conkasha Zeida)

16. Schneeberg Ultimately Chic. 25 - 3 - 09
(Ch. Fremont Toohot Tohandle X Ch. Schneeberg Pure Charm)

8. Khayem Fraya. 13 - 6 - 08
(Fasko d'Ulmental X Lilli vom Trompetersprung)

9. Sundaneka Queen Of Hearts. 26 - 10 - 08
(LaShadas Ace Of Hearts X Sundaneka Calypso Queen)

10. Carobria Rascal. 20 - 9 - 08
(Ch. Aimsway Abacus X Durnstein Xquisite. ET)

11. Senmora Classic Destiny. 12 - 11 - 08
(Dellahund Kic Atinalong X Volscain Quella)

12. Sundaneka Okina. 17 - 5 - 08
(Cayos Von Der Noriswand X Sundaneka Xanadu)

13. Sundaneka Mystique. 10 - 12- 07
(Ch. Sannjesa Crusty Demon X Sundaneka Burmuda Rose)

14. Kulglen Galen. 7 - 11 - 07
(As Du Domaine Du Val D'Aulnoy X Kulglen Bridgid)

15. Eisenland Risky Business. 22 - 5 - 04
(Ch. Eisenland Fernando X Eisenland Elite)

16. Freevale Tickled Pink. 6 - 2 - 08
Cayos Von Der Noriswand X Ch. Freevale Crazy For Love)

17. Sundaneka French Kiss. 3 - 2 - 06
(Orpheus Von Der Krauterweise X Sundaneka Xanadu)

18. Sundaneka Calypso Queen. 13 - 2 - 05
(Ch. Aimsway Abacus X Sundaneka Xanadu)

19. Sundaneka Burmuda Rose. 30 - 11 - 04
(Uras Von Trafalga X Sundaneka Tulua)

20. Ch. Sundaneka Tulua. 5 - 10 - 01
(Uno Von Der Urbecke X Sundaneka Belladonna)

21. Ch. Schneeberg Pure Charm. 23 - 11 - 03
(Grd. Ch. Freevale Magnum Force X Schneeberg Willow Wind)

Bodecka Bolly. CD. 'A'Z'