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Sire: * Chili Della Valcuvia. Cl. 'A'.'Z'.
Owners / Jo Cathie, Brank Auwema, Hilary Green, Kylie Zimmerle
Dam: * Bodecka Mayhem. Cl. 'A'.'Z'. (Andie)
Breeder / Owner / Trainer: Jenny Joseph
"O" litter (1 dog SC & 1 SC bitch & 1 bitch LSC) Whelped 11/10/20
Dogs: Original Sin
Bitches: Out Of Control, Ooh La La (LSC).
BS classified. DM Clear. ZAP.
A (1/2) Z (0/0)
Excellent Merit. (Show)
Multi Excellent. (Show)
Breeder / Owner / Trainer: Jenny Joseph
La La 9/4/22
La La 27/1/23
25/1/25 Ballarat Dog Club Inc.
Championship Show
2nd Open Bitch. Excellent
Judge: Mr Mathew Moriss (NSW)
Critique: Y:4 M:3 D:14 Height/Depth of Chest: 60/30
Very large strong bitch of slightly deep proportions. Good head and expression, where
the skull is domes, and eyes are slightly round. Scissor bite (worn). High withers, firm
back. Croup is slightly short, slightly steep. Good fore and deep hindquarter
angulation. The upper arm should be longer and and better angled. Good chest and
underline, should not become any deeper in chest. Steps correct coming, steps close
going, hocks should be firmer. Good ground covering gait with good reach and
powerful drive.
15/2/25 German Shepherd Dog Club of Tasmania Inc.
Championship Specialty Show
1st Open Bitch. Excellent
R/UP Best of Breed
Judge: Mrs. Jenny De Lucia (SA)
Critique: 4 Years and 4 months. 60cms and 30cms, Large, med
strong, feminine well coloured LSC bitch of very good type. Good
head and expression, slightly pronounced stop, good eye
colour, very good length of neck, high wither, firm straight back,
the croup is slightly short and slightly steep. Stands correct
in front with very good fore chest development. Good length of
under chest however, slightly deep. Good fore and hind
quarter angulation. Steps slightly narrow going, correct
coming. During movement shows very good ground covering gait
and very good reach and drive. Gun sure on the day. Excellent.
16/2/25 German Shepherd Dog Club of Tasmania Inc.
Championship Specialty Show
1st Open Bitch. Excellent
R/UP Best of Breed
Judge: Mr. Greg Green (Vic)
Critique:4.5 years old, 60.5cms & 29cms, broken incisors. Large strong
substantial very good proportions, very well coated, dry and firm, very good
colour and pigmentation, strong feminine head, slight roman nose,
very good length of neck, stands with a high wither, firm straight
back, croup is of good length just slightly steep. Very good
forequarter angulation, very good hindquarter angulation with good
breadth of thigh, very good fore and under chest development. Very
good length of foreleg, not quite correct in front, slightly down in
pasterns. Correct going, correct coming elbows could be a little
firmer. In movement shows very good ground cover, presents a
pleasing picture on the move, with very good reach and drive where
the back remains absolutely firm. Gun sure. Excellent graded.
8/8/25 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria Inc.
111th Championship Show & Obedience Trial
3rd Open Bitch. Excellent
Judge: Mr Peter Flynn (SA)
Critique: Y:4 M:4 D:28 Height/Depth of Chest: 60/28.5 Very large, medium strong bitch of
very good type. Good colour and pigmentation. Very good proportions. Strong but
feminine head with very good expression. Medium eye colour. very good length
and lay of neck. High withers, firm back, good length and lay of croup. Good
forequarter angulation where the upper arm could be longer and better angled.
Very good hindquarter angulation with broad thighs. Stands correct in front. Very
good fore and underchest development. Steps slightly close going correct
coming. Shows very good ground covering gait with strong drive and good reach.
9/8/25 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria Inc.
112th Championship Show
3rd Open Bitch. Excellent
Judge: Mr Steffen Straub (Ger)
Critique: Y:4 M:4 D:28 Height/Depth of Chest: 59.5/29.5. Over medium size, strong. Good
proportions. Very well formed head. High withers, good topline. The croup is in
good position but should be longer. Good front and very good hind angulation.
Correct front. Going close, coming correct. Powerful hind thrust with good front
reach. Very good performance.
A (5/3) Z (0/0)
Multi Excellent. (Show)
Owners: Aaron Robinson/ Jenny Joseph
Evie 9/4/22
16/4/23 German Shepherd Dog Club of SA.
59th Members Competition.
2nd Open Bitch. Excellent
Judge: Mr. Salvatore Pittellia (SA)
Critique: Height/Depth Of Chest: 60/29cm. A very large, substantial, well pigmented, feminine bitch of a pleasing type. Well formed, feminine head with very good eye color. Well set, shape & firmness of ears. Praiseworthy strength of lower & upper jaws. Well set, powerful neck into a high, long wither; firm back. The croup is slightly steep. Very good forequarter angulation. Very good length of foreleg. Very good underline. Slightly deep hindquarter angulation. Moves slightly cowhocked going; correct coming with very good firmness of elbow joints. Stands correct in front. Shows strong, powerful movement whilst maintaining a very good topline.
30/4/23 49th National German Shepherd Dog Show - Melbourne.
Championship Show & Trial
25th Open Bitch. Excellent
Judge: Mr. Malcolm Griffiths (UK)
Critique: Y:2 M:6 D: 17 Height/Depth Of Chest: 60.5/28.5cm Large strong and substantial. Rather stretched female of very good type. Very good strong head, ears could be slightly firmer. Good wither, correct back. Good position of croup that should be slightly longer. Very good fore angulation. Rear angulation on the acceptable limits. Good chest proportions. Stands correct in front. Hocks should be firmer. Loose elbows. Very good movement with good overline retention.
14/4/24 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria Inc.
State Breed Exhibition
5th Open Bitch Excellent
Judge: Mrs Jenny Yuen (Vic)
Critique: Y:3 M:6 D:2 Height/Depth of Chest: 61/30. Very large, well coloured female of
slightly stretched proportions. Feminine head with very good dark masking, and good
breadth of skull. Slight Roman nose. Good length of neck. High withers, slight nick and
peak behind. Slightly steep croup. Strong broad thighs. Good length of upper arm that
could be just slightly better angled. Excessive hind angulation. Good fore and
underchest development. Stands and steps not quite correct in front with good
firmness of elbows. Loose, cow hocked at rear. The hocks shoud be firmer. During
movement both on and off lead she shows very good reach but the excessive angulation of the hindquarter impacts overall on the balance of the movement.