Hi I'm Jenny Joseph, WELCOME to my Kennels, in Teesdale, Victoria (Australia).
Run the curser over each of the Australian States above & Tasmania for all the Australian German Shepherd Dog Clubs Inc.
As a hobby breeder, Bodecka Kennels is a very small kennel which was first established in 1993, even thou small I have had some many great Show & Obedience results with my own animals and Obedience results with others that have gone to pet homes over the years.
I've been a member of the Dogs Victoria. since 1980, which is affiliated to Australian National Kennel Council Inc.
I've been member since late 1989 and was an Obedience Instructor from 1991 to 2000 at the German Shepherd Dog Club Of Victoria Inc. (Skye Branch). I'm now a member of the Specialist Show Training branch which is one of the eleven branches located in Victoria. Some of the classes offered to the members at branches are Obedience, Show Training, Agility, Tracking, Demo Classes are also available at some branches so when we are asked, we can promote our lovely breed to the general public. Breed Surveys & Breed Lectures are also held at some of the branches.
As a breeder I believe in quality not quantity so have only have about 1 - 2 litters a year, my aim is to breed German Shepherds as close as possible to the German Standard that are sound in conformation with the desired working and temperament characteristics that the breed was designed for, which make it the most versatile and noblest breed in the world.
Bodecka litters will only come from top quality stock which have proven themselves in the show rings with their outstanding results which all of them have passed G.S.D.C.A. Inc. National Council Breed Improvement Schemes for hips/elbows, nearly all of my stock have been either Breed Surveyed Cl. 1. or Cl. 2. , I will only ever use an unsurved bitch that is too big to be surveyed if she has excellent temprament. Bodecka Kennels have been awarded the Silver Medal for producing dogs with sound hips and elbows.
All my litters are born in the house and are well socialized from the moment they are born, with many smells, sounds and different people to handle and play with them. Their puppy pen is like a child's play ground, with heaps of toys, obstacles and tunnels to play with.
Some Information about the Main Menu: Links for this Web page.
BODECKA KENNELS ACHIEVEMENTS : Info about the dogs I own or owned or the progeny what I have bred and their unique achievements in Show and or Obedience.
ZACK : Info and tribute (15 - 8 - 89 to 28 - 4 - 98) of my first dog I owned when I joined the German Shepherd Dog Club Of Victoria.
KRISTA : Info about my Dual (Show & Obedience) Excellent graded foundation brood bitch and how quick she gained her Obedience titles etc..
BODECKA PROGENY : Info & photos about the litters I have bred which is so far"A"- "Z" 10/8/1993 - 16/11/12 & "A"- "F" 9/8/16 - and their many achievements. Also progeny I own from other kennels. Plus a Photo Gallery with some happy snaps of dogs.
BODECKA STUD DOGS : Info about the stud dog I have at my kennel, Ch. *Bodecka Grandslam. Cl. 1. 'A'Z' H-neg (Louie) & the bitches he has been mated too or planned to be mated too also the litters that he has produced and the pups from him that are for sale. Info about his show progeny that have done well also happy snaps of his progeny.
PLANNED LITTERS & DOGS FOR SALE : Info about my own kennels up and coming litters or ones that I have just bred. Also older dogs & bitches that I sometimes have for sale.
AUSTRALIAN SIEGERS & SIEGERINS : Info and some pictures of the past and present G.S.D. From the first Main Breed Exhibition & Restricted Obedience Trial in Australia 1987 - 2005
AUSTRALIAN GOLD MEDAL SHOW WINNERS : Info and some pictures of the past and present G.S.D. Gold Medal Show winners from the first National Championship Show & Restricted Obedience Trial in 1967 - 2014.
AUSTRALIAN GOLD MEDAL OBEDIENCE WINNERS : Info and some pictures of past and present G.S.D. Gold Medal Obedience winners from the 1990, 18th - 33rd German Shepherd National Championship Show & Restricted Obedience Trial.
INTERNATIONAL & AUSTRALIAN SHOW & OBEDIENCE RESULTS : Some German Shepherd Dog show results from Australia's specialist shows that are judged by International and Australian specialist judges. Also some results from G.S.D. Restricted Obedience Trials.
Photos & pedigrees of SV. German Sieger's& Siegerin's from (1899 - 2002)
Links to the SV. Sieger Show Results Germany (2005) & other countries Sieger show results from around the world.
INFO ON G.S.D SHOWS, TRIALS & DOG TITLES : About the age limit and classes & grading's at Specialty shows. About Obedience classes, grading's& Dual (Show & Obedience) classes. Also what a G.S.D. Pedigree title means in Australia.
GERMAN STANDARD, CONFORMATION & TRAINING TITLES : Info about the F.C.I. Standard No 166 dated 23/3/91 Country of Origin - Germany. Plus Show grading's and working titles that can be gained in Germany. Also the past & present Presidents of the SV. In Germany.
LINKS (Page 1) : Many great dog links from Australia with Info about - Dogs of any breed, Dog Clubs, Kennels & Home pages.
(Page 2) : Many great International dog links from around the world with Info about - Dogs of any breed, Dog Clubs, Kennels & Home pages.
(Page 3) : Obedience, Search & Rescue, Behavior, Medical (Veterinary), Chat Rooms, Message Boards, & Pet Accessories.
(Page 4) : Plus great links on info about Australia, places to visit, animals & plants, & Australian Sports.
The Information on all these pages is to the best of my knowledge correct.
If anyone can prove otherwise, I will be only to happy to correct any mistakes.
Design and construction by Jenny Joseph
First constructed: 29/8/99
Last updated: 30/1/2025
STOP PRESS I would like to thank all the Judges for their placing's of my dogs. Plus all the show handlers below for their outstanding handling efforts with Bodecka dogs. Alan Adams Vince Tantaro Fran Tantaro Jurgen Haase Nicky Clark Julie Urie Melita Holden Wendy Blunt Lawrence Lee Greg Green David Berry Owen Harris Mandy Scrivens Rhonda Robson Brian Attwood Chris Tapp Michelle Mercieca Bernie Lester Bert Duyvestyn Angie Kennett Jess Cullen Jacquie Cullen Lisa Sunderland Garry Cullen Ian Urie Josh Aarons Steve Mase Ray Turner Kane Ebejer Tony Lines Debbie Colsen Lucy Mathers Clare Van-Der Wold Melissa Mitchell Danni Mayne Bronson Pereira Troy Metcalf Hayley Stokes Lyn McIntosh Kurt Morton Ken Millhouse Taylor Millhouse
Bodecka Kennels would also like to thank the vets I use or have used over the years. For their outstanding expertise in keeping Bodecka dogs and progeny in tip top condition. |
Dr Barry Haywood B.V.Sc. D.D.A. |
the vets Dr Ray Ferguson Dr. Mark Foley. Dr. Stuart Mason. |
the vet Dr.Euan Kilpatrick |