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Sire: *Umberto vom Bierstadter Hof (Bertie)
HD a-normal (a1) ED a-normal (a1) DM Clear.
Multi Excellent (Show).
Owner: Rachel Jones
Dam: *Bodecka Misconduct. Cl. 'A'.'Z'. (Conny)
Breeder / Owner / Trainer: Jenny Joseph
"T" litter (2 SC & 3 LSC dogs & 2 SC & 1 LSC bitches)
Whelped 26/10/22
Dogs: Turbo Charged, Thunder Struck, (SC)
TNT, Tratior, Tradie (LSC)
Bitches: Taboo, Total Eclipse, (SC)
Terra (LSC)
*Umberto vom Bierstadter Hof (Bertie)
A (1/1) Z (0/0)
Breeder / Owner / Trainer: Jenny Joseph
Terra 6 months old
29/1/23 Ballarat Dog Club Inc.
Championship Show
1st Baby Puppy Bitch. Very Promising
Judge: Ms Jesica Kada (NSW)
Terra 4 1/2 months old
11/3/23 German Shepherd Dog Club Victoria. Inc.
State Breed Exhibition
5th Baby Puppy Bitch. Very Promising
Judge: Mrs. Robyn Knuckey (WA)
Terra, 4 1/2 months old
16/4/23 German Shepherd Dog Club of SA.
59th Members Competition.
1st .Baby Puppy Bitch. Very Promising
Judge: Mr. Salvatore Pittellia (SA)
28/4/23 49th National German Shepherd Dog Show - Melbourne.
Championship Show & Trial
3rd Minor Puppy Bitch. Very Promising
Judge: Mrs Heather Macdonald (UK)
Critique: M:6 D: 2 Medium size medium strong very nice type. Good head with good expression and dark eyes. Good length of neck, normal wither, straight back, slightly short but well placed croup. Good height to length proportions. Good fore angulation where the upper arm could be longer and more angulated. Good rear angulation, stands correct in front. Going correct, coming the elbows can be firmer. Moves with good balance showing good hind drive a good forward reach.
Terra 28/4/23
10/6/23 German Shepherd Dog Club of SA.
Roy Brabham Memorial Championship Show .
2nd Minor Puppy Bitch. LSC. Very Promising
Judge: Mr. Mike Bradley (NZ)
11/6/23 German Shepherd Dog Club of SA.
Neddermeyer Memorial Championship Show .
2nd Minor Puppy Bitch. LSC. Very Promising
Judge: Mr. Greg Green (Vic)
12/8/23 GSDCV. Inc. Breed Exhibition Show
2nd Puppy Bitch LSC. Very Promising
Judge: Ms. Jo Cathy (NSW)
Critique: Y:0 M:9 D:17 Above middle size, above middle strength, well pigmented puppy of
generally good type, feminine head and expression, just slightly light eye, the right ear
position is not yet quite correct and it still needs to firm. Normal wither, firm back
which should not be shorter, slightly short, slightly steep croup. Slightly short, slightly
steep upperarm. Good underline, good angulation in the hindquarter, pasterns are
slightly steep. Moves correct away and back. Gaits well with slightly restricted reach
and good drive when settled, holding a good overline.
Terra 12/8/23
13/8/23 GSDCV. Inc. Breed Exhibition Show
2nd Puppy Bitch LSC. Very Promising
Judge: Mr. Hery Lau (Indonesia)
Critique:Y:0 M:9 D:18
Over medium size, medium strong. Good head and expressions. High wither, croup
should be a little longer and better laid. Good front angulation, very good hind
angulation. Good top and underline. Good front in stance. Good rear movement. Little
restricted in movement with powerful drive.
23/9/23 German Shepherd Dog Club of Tasmania Inc.
Championship Show
1st Puppy Bitch Very Promising
Best Puppy In Show.
Judge: Mrs Robyn Knuckey (WA)
Critique: Almost 12 months of age. Well coloured and pigmented long stock coat female, of very good type, with very good height to depth ratio. Good head and expression, with praiseworthy masking. Ears set quite close on top of the head, good length of neck, good wither, firm back, good croup. Stands correct in front, with upright pasterns, good fore and very good hindquarter angulation, good length of foreleg. Balanced fore and under chest development for her age. Steps slightly narrow going, steps correct coming where the elbows could be a little firmer. Very good ground covering movement where the drive could be just a little more affective.
24/9/23 German Shepherd Dog Club of Tasmania Inc.
Championship Show
1st Puppy Bitch LSC. Promising
Best Puppy In Show.
Judge: Mr Andrew Andrew O’Loughlin (SA)
Critique: Medium size medium strong feminine bitch of very good type and proportions. Good head and
expression, where the right ear should be firmer. Very good length and lay of neck, level withers, firm
back, slightly short, slightly steep croup. Very good length of upper arm which could a little better
angled, very good hind quarter angulation. Good fore and under chest development for her age.
Stands correct in front. Steps correct coming and going. During movement shows very good drive
however the forehand reach should be a little freer and the right ear should be firmer.
Terra 1/8/24 K9 AA certified
Breeder J. Joseph.
Cash 6 1/2 months old 15/5/23
29/1/23 Ballarat Dog Club Inc.
Championship Show
2nd Baby Puppy Dog. Very Promising
Judge: Ms Jesica Kada (NSW)
Cash, 4 1/2 months old
11/3/23 German Shepherd Dog Club Victoria. Inc.
State Breed Exhibition
1st Baby Puppy Dog. Very Promising
Judge: Mrs. Robyn Knuckey (WA)
16/4/23 German Shepherd Dog Club of SA.
59th Members Competition.
1st .Baby Puppy Dog. Very Promising
Judge: Mr. Salvatore Pittellia (SA)
28/4/23 49th National German Shepherd Dog Show - Melbourne.
Championship Show & Trial
4th Minor Puppy Dog. Very Promising
Judge: Mrs Heather Macdonald (UK)