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Sire: Ch. *Sirio Vom Rauhtal. AD. BH. SchH3. Cl. 1. 'a'.'Z'.
Multi Excellent (Show)
Owners: (Sundaneka
Kennels) & Vince Panetta
Dam: Ch. *Lashadas Xquisite. Cl. 1. 'A'.'Z'. (Squizzy)
Excellent Merit (Show)
Multi Excellent (Show)
Owner: Jenny Joseph.
"Z" litter (4 dogs & 2 bitches) Whelped 16/11/12
Dogs: Zero Tolerance, ZZtop, Zoltan, Zulu (LSC)
Bitches: Zensation, Zanadu (LSC)
Ch. Sirio Vom Rauthal
Cl. 1. 'A' (3/3) 'Z' (0/0)
Breeder / Owner / Trainer: Jenny Joseph
Zenny at 28 months old 8 - 3 - 15
16/2/14 German Shepherd Dog Club of Tasmania. Inc.
Championship Show
1st Junior Bitch & Junior In Show. Graded Very Good
Judge: Mr. Graham Stevenson (NSW)
Critique: 14 mths, 61 cms, Large medium strong bitch of very good type and proportions, very good head and expression dark eye very good size and set of ears, high wither firm back well molded croup slightly steep, good fore quarter angulation very good hind quarter angulation broad thighs very good fore chest development very good underline, stands correct in front, moves correct coming and going very good movement transmitted through firm back, very good reach and drive maintains wither height.
19/4/14 German Shepherd Dog Leauge of NSW. Inc.
Championship Show
2nd Junior Bitch. Graded Very Good
Judge: Herr Jurgen Maibuchen SV. (Gmy)
Critique: 6lcm – large good expression well formed head high withers back should be more straight
croup is steep but of good length well angled in the fore and hindquarter straight front and rear
powerful hindquarter drive very good forward reach.
Zenny 2nd Junior Bitch 19/4/14
3/5/14 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria. Inc.
State Breed Exhibition
4th Junior Bitch. Graded Very Good
Judge: Ms. Jane Pike (SA)
Critique:16 mths. 60cm. Large, feminine bitch of very good type. Very good head and
expression. I would like to see the neck a little longer. High wither, slight dip behind,
straight back, the croup is of good length and lay. The upper arm should be longer
and better angled, very good hindquarter angulation. Very good development of the
fore and underchest. Stands correct in front. Moves correct going and coming. In
movement shows very powerful hindquarter drive however the reach could be freer.
Zenny 4th Junior Bitch 3/5/14
17/5/14 German Shepherd Dog Club of Australia. Inc.
42nd National Championship Show. (ACT)
15th Intermediate Bitch. Graded Very Good
Judge: Herr Frank Goldlust. SV. (Gmy)
25/5/14 German Shepherd Dog Club Of Tasmaina. Inc
18th State Breed Assessment
1st Intermediate Bitch. Graded Very Good.
Judge: Mrs Joylene Neddermeyer. (SA)
7/6/14 German Shepherd Dog Club Of SA. Inc
Championship Show.
8th Intermediate Bitch. Graded Very Good.
Judge: Mrs Fran Farley. (Vic)
8/6/14 German Shepherd Dog Club Of SA. Inc
Championship Show.
11th Intermediate Bitch. Graded Very Good.
Judge: Herr Torsten Kopp. SV. (Gmy)
Zenny's 2015 - 2016 show results
8/2/15 Ballarat Dog Club Inc.
Championship Show
3rd Open Bitch. Graded Excellent
Judge: Mr. Alastair Henderson (Vic)
Critiquie: 59.5cm. Well above medium size, strong feminine bitch of very good type, strong feminine head where masking and underjaw should be stronger, good length of neck, high wither, firm clean topline, croup should be longer and better angled, well laid but slightly short upper arm, very good hind angulation, good breadth of thigh, good fore and underchest development for her age, stands correct in front, correct coming and going, elbows should be tighter, during movement shows very good drive and reach with overall very good firmness.
15/2/15 German Shepherd Dog Club of Tasmania. Inc.
Championship Show
2nd Open Bitch. Graded Excellent
Runner up Best of Breed & Runner Up Best In Show
Judge: Ms Jane Pike (SA)
Critique: 28 mths, 61 cms. Very large medium strong bitch of very good type. Strong but still feminine head, desired dark eye however the masking in the fore face should be a little darker. High wither, firm back, slightly short slightly steep croup, upper arm is a little steep. Very good hind quarter angulation, very good fore and under chest development, stands correct in front. Steps correct going and coming, in movement shows very good ground cover through a firm topline with very balanced reach and drive.
Zenny at 28 months old 8 - 3 - 15
8/3/15 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria. Inc.
24th State Breed Exhibition & Trial
7th - 8th March 2015
11th Open Bitch. Graded Excellent
Judge: Mrs Jenny Yuen (Vic)
Critique: 27Mths. 61cms. Very large feminine bitch. Very good feminine head, very good
strength of skull and foreface. Good dark masking. Well set ears. Very good length
of neck. High withers, slightly short slightly steep croup. The upper arm could still be a
little longer and more angled. Very good hind angulation. Very good fore and
underchest development. Stands and steps correctly in front hocks should still be a
little tighter. During movement both on and off lead shows a good ground covering
gait with free forehand reach. The drive should be a little more pronounced. Gun
4/4/15 German Shepherd Dog League. Inc.
Championship Show
14th Open Bitch. Graded Excellent
Judge: Herr Andreas Rudolph. SV. (Gmy)
Critique: 59cm – over medium size strong very big head good in harmony firm and dry steps correct in
front close behind good top and underline good angulations free and powerful movement.
Zenny 4 - 4 - 15
25/4/15 Kilmore Kennel Club. Inc.
Championship Show
6th Open Bitch. Graded Excellent
Judge: Mr. Ian Urie (Vic)
Critique: 59.5cms Large black and gold bitch of very good type and proportions, good head, well set ears, masking should be stronger, high wither, firm back, slightly short and slightly steep croup, good fore and very good hind angulation, very good chest proportions, stands correct in front, steps correct coming and going, very good ground covering movement.
8/5/15 German Shepherd Dog Club of Australia. Inc.
43rd National Championshp Showy &Trial
38th Open Bitch. Graded Excellent
Judge: Herr Heinz Scheerer (SV) Gmy
24/5/15 German Shepherd Dog Club of Tasmania. Inc.
State Breed Exhibition
8th Open Bitch. Graded Excellent
Judge: Mr. Bruce Knight (WA)
Critique: 2.5 yrs, 59.5 cms. Large, medium strong, black and gold bitch of very good type. Very good head and expression. Good length of neck. High withers, straight back, slightly short slightly steep croup. Very good angulation of both the fore and hind quarter. Very good fore slightly short under chest. Stands correct in front. Steps correct going slightly wide coming. Shows very good free flowing gait with powerful reach.
25/3/16 German Shepherd Dog Club of Australia. Inc.
44th National Championship Show.
21st Open Bitch. Graded Excellent
Judge: Frau M. Van Dorssen (SV) Deu
Zenny 25-3-16