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Sire: * Chili Della Valcuvia. Cl. 'A'.'Z'.
Owners / Jo Cathie, Brank Auwema, Hilary Green, Kylie Zimmerle

Dam: * Bodecka Mayhem. Cl. 'A'.'Z'. (Andie)
Breeder / Owner / Trainer: Jenny Joseph

"O" litter (1 dog SC & 1 SC bitch & 1 bitch LSC) Whelped 11/10/20
Dogs: Original Sin
Bitches: Out Of Control, Ooh La La (LSC).


BS classified. DM Clear. ZAP.
A (1/2) Z (0/0)

Excellent Merit. (Show)
Multi Excellent. (Show)

Breeder / Owner / Trainer: Jenny Joseph

La La 9/4/22

La La 27/1/23

La La 8 weeks old 5/12/20

La La 6/3/21

6/3/21 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria Inc.
104th Championship Show

3rd Baby Puppy Bitch. Very Promising
Judge: Mrs. Jenny Yuen. (Vic)

8/5/21 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria Inc.
State Breed Exhibition

1st Minor Puppy Bitch. Promising
Judge: Mr Vincenzo Tantaro (Vic)

Critique: Y:0 M:6 D:28 Medium size,strong substantial bitch of very good colour and good pigmentand of good type.Strong but still feminine head, eye colour should be darker. Normal wither, short steep croup.Very well developed fore and underchest for her age. Deep hindquarter angulation.Stands correct in front, steps close behind,hocks should be much firmer, elbows should be firmer. In movement shows good ground cover, good reach, the hocks in particular should be much firmer.

La La 8/5/21

4/12/21 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria Inc.
105th Championship Show

3rd Junior Bitch. Good
Judge: Mr Alistair Henderson (Vic)

Critique: Y:1 M:1 D:24 Height/Depth of Chest: 58.5/29. Well above medium size, strong, feminine bitch of overall good type. Strong head, with apronounced stop and incorrect planes of the skull. The eyes could bedarker. The neck could be longer. Level wither, straight topline. Shortcroup. Short upper arm with very good hindquarter angulation. Goodbreadth of thigh. Pronounced fore and underchest development. Standscorrect in front. Steps close going, the elbows could be firmer. The longtail impedes her movement. During movement displays very good driveand good reach maintaining a good outline.

5/12/21 Working Dog Club of Victoria Inc.
48th Championship Show

1st Junior Bitch. Very Good,
Best Junior LSC
Judge: GSD'S - Mrs Nicky McDermott (Vic)

Best Junior In Show
Judge: General Specials - Mrs Valerie Hutton (Vic)

Critique: Y:1 M:1 D:24 Height/Depth of Chest:59/30. Large, strong, substantial bitch of very good type. Very good head and expression. Eye colour could be darker. Very strong foreface and underjaw. Neck could be slightly longer. High wither, firm straight back, good length and lay of croup. Good forequarter where the upper arm could be better angled. Very good hindquarter with broad thighs. Very good underline. Steps correct coming and going. Does not stand correct in front. In movement displays very good ground covering gait maintaining a very firm, topline.

La La 4/12/21

30/1/22 Ballarat Dog Club. Inc
Championship Show

1st Junior Bitch. Very Good
Judge: Mr Kurt Morton (NSW)

Critique: Y:1 M:3 D:19 Height/Depth of Chest: 60/27.5 Large,
strong, substantial, black and gold long stock coat female of very good type and proportions. Strong but feminine head where ideally the eye could be darker. Good neck, high wither, firm back, well laid but slightly short croup. Very good fore and hindquarter angulation. Good fore and underchest development. Slightly wide going, correct coming. In movement shows balance with very
good reach and drive,
with a good sequence of steps maintaining a firm outline. Presented not in the best coat condition.

La La 30/1/22

12/3/22 German Shepherd Dog Club Victoria. Inc
Championship Show

1st Junior Bitch. Very Good
Judge: Mrs Melanie Groth (NSW)

Critique: Y:1 M:5 D:1 Height/Depth of Chest: 59.5/28. Above medium size, strong and substantial slightly stretched black and gold female of very pleasing type. Strong but still feminine head. Very good strength of the upper and lower jaws. The eye should be a fraction darker. Good ear set and size. Very good length of neck. Good top and underline. Very good fore and just slightly deep hindquarter angulation. Good forechest, however the underchest should not get any deeper. Presented in out of coat condition. Stepping a little narrow at rear, correct at front. Very good sequence of steps with a free flowing movement.

9/4/22 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria Inc.
State Breed Exhibition

2nd Junior Bitch. Very Good
Judge: Mr Ian Urie (Vic)

Critique: Y:1 M:5 D:28 Height/Depth of Chest: 59cm/29cm
Well above medium size, well coloured bitch of good type, she has a strong head where the planes are not quite correct, medium eye colour, slightly close set ears. Good lay of neck, normal wither, slight rise in the back line and a well laid croup. Good angulation of the fore and hindquarter, with good short hocks. Steps slightly close
going and correct coming. Shows good movement and correct sequence of steps.

21/5/22 ACT German Shepherd Dog Association
Championship Show
3rd Intermediate Bitch. Very Good
Judge: Mrs Mandy McAteer (UK)

22/5/22 ACT German Shepherd Dog Association
Championship Show
3rd Intermediate Bitch. Very Good
Mr Stephen Cox (UK)

26/6/22 German Shepherd Dog Club of Tasmania Inc.
State Breed Exhibition
1st Intermediate Bitch. Very Good

Judge: Mr Peter Flynn (SA)

Critique: 60cm 28 cm Very large medium strong bitch of good substance. Very good proportions, very good head and expression medium eye colour, good masking. Very good length and lay of neck, high withers, firm back. Good length and lay of croup, good forequarter angulation where the upper arm could be better angled. Very good hindquarter angulation with broad thighs. Very good fore and under chest development. Stands correct in front, steps slightly close going, correct coming. Shows a very good ground covering gait with powerful drive, and good reach.

13/8/22 Lillydale Championship Show
1st Intermediate Bitch. Very Good
Judge: Mrs Viv McCambridge (NZ)

Critique: Y:1 M:10 D:2 Height/Depth of Chest: 59/29. Above medium size, strong, substantial feminine well coloured bitch. Very good head, the eye could be slightly darker. Very good length of neck, normal wither, firm back, just slightly steep croup of good length.
Very good angulations of fore and hindquarter. Correct coming and going. Shows afleeting ground covering movement with very good balance between the reach and drive.

14/8/22 German Shepherd Dog Club Of Victoria
GSD Exhibition

2nd Intermediate Bitch. Very Good

Mr Andrew O’Loughlin (SA)

Critique: Y:1 M:10 D:3 Height/Depth of Chest: 61/28. Very large, medium strong long stock coat bitch of very good type and proportions. Strong head, good length of neck, level withers, firm back, very good length of croup set slightly steep. Good forequarter
angulation, where the upper arm should be longer and better angled. Very good hindquarter angulation. Good fore and underchest development. Steps correct going where the hocks should be a little firmer, correct coming where the elbows should be a little firmer. Shows good ground covering gait with balanced reach and drive.

17/9/22 German Shepherd Dog Club Of Tasmania
Championship Show
1st Intermediate Bitch. Very Good.
Res/Challenge bitch.
Runner Up Best Of Breed. Intermediate in Show.
Judge: Mrs Sharon Ballantyne-Gordon (Qld)

Critique: 58cm and 28.5cm Medium size, strong, slightly compact, expressive, presenting an overall pleasing picture. Very good strength of head with strong upper and lower jaw, medium eye colour, strong neck, normal wither, firm straight back. Slightly short croup, very good fore and correct hindquarter. Stands correct in front, moves slightly narrow going, correct coming, with very good firmness of hocks and elbows. During movement she displays very good reach and drive. Presented slightly out of coat. Pleasing is the overall firmness of the back ligamentation.

18/9/22 German Shepherd Dog Club Of Tasmania
Championship Show
1st Intermediate Bitch. Very Good.

Intermediate Bitch In Show, Challenge Bitch, Best In Show
Mr Stephen Collins. (SA)

Critique:59cm 29cm Well above medium size, strong substantial female with a strong feminine head. Medium eye colour. Very good length and lay of neck, high wither, firm back, well laid croup that
could be a fraction longer. Very good fore and under chest development. Very good fore and hind quarter angulation. Stands correct in front. Steps slightly loose going and correct coming with good elbow connections. During movement displays a very expansive, powerful drive with very good forehand reach maintaining a good top line.

29/10/22 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria
107th Championship Show

4th Open Bitch. Excellent

Judge: Mr David Middleton (UK)

Critique: Y:2 M:0 D:18 Height/Depth of Chest:. 59/28. Very nice type. Very typical. Headstrong.Good overline. Good forehand. Good hind angulation. Good croup. Stands straight infront. Good short hocks, good feet. Sound coming and going. Very good movement.

30/10/22 Working Dog Club of Victoria
49th Championship Show

3rd Intermediate Bitch. Very Good
Judge Mr Greg Green (Vic)

Critique: 59.5/ 29, Large, strong, substantial very well proportioned feminine bitch. Very good head. Very good strength of skull. The eye could still be darker. Good length of neck. Normal wither, slight nick behind. Firm back, just slightly short slightly steep croup. Good fore the upper arm could be a little longer and better angled. Just slightly deep hindquarter angulation. Shows good breadth of thigh. Balanced fore and underchest development. Stands correct in front. Steps correct going, slightly wide coming elbows yet to firm. In movement shows balanced ground covering gait, very good drive with good reach

3/12/22 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria
Open Show

1st Open Bitch & Best LSC Bitch
Miss Vicki McGinty (Vic)

La La's 2023 & 2024 Show Results

BS classified. DM Clear.
A (5/3) Z (0/0)

Owners: Aaron Robinson/ Jenny Joseph

Evie 9/4/22

Evie 6 1/2 months old 25/4/21

8/5/21 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria Inc.
State Breed Exhibition

2nd Minor Puppy Bitch. Very Promising
Judge: Mr Vincenzo Tantaro

Critique: Y:0 M:6 D:28 Above medium size, strong, substantial, well coloured and pigmented bitch of very good type. Strong but still feminine head, very good expression. Very good length of neck. High wither, firm back, well moulded croup. Stands not quiet correct in front. Very good fore and underchest, very good fore slightly deep hind quarter angulation. Steps cow hocked behind. Hocks and elbows should be much firmer. In movement shows far reaching, powerful gait where hocks in particular should be much firmer.

12/3/22 German Shepherd Dog Club Victoria. Inc
Championship Show

2nd Junior Bitch. Very Good
Judge: Mrs Melanie Groth (NSW)

Critique: Y:1 M:5 D:1 Height/Depth of Chest: 61/29. Very large, strong and substantial wellboned feminine bitch of very good type and proportions. Presents a very good picture in stance. Strong but feminine head, with good dark masking and desired dark eye.
Very good top and underline. Very good fore and deep hindquarter angulation. Broadpowerful thighs. Very good fore and underchest. Very good length of foreleg. Presented in very good condition. Stepping narrow at rear, the hocks should be much firmer. Stepping a little wide in front, the elbows should be more closed. Displays very good, powerful ground covering movement, maintaining a very good topline with verygood energy and expression.

9/4/22 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria Inc.
State Breed Exhibition

3rd Junior Bitch. Very Good
Judge: Mr Ian Urie (Vic)

Critique: Y:1 M:5 D:28 Height/Depth of Chest: 61.5/30. Close scissor bite. Standing on the limit of size, well pigmented strong female of very good type and proportions. Broad head, dark eyes, very good strength of the muzzle. Well set ears, good reach of neck, high
withers, firm back, well moulded slightly steep croup. Very good forehand and slightly deep hindquarter angulation. Slightly deep chest proportions. Stepping correct
coming and going. The hocks should be firmer. Shows powerful movement with strong hindquarter drive.


21/5/22 ACT German Shepherd Dog Association
Championship Show
10th Intermediate Bitch. Very Good
Judge:Mr Stephen Cox (UK)

11/6/22 German Shepherd Dog Club Of SA.
Championship Show
5th Intermediate Bitch. Very Good
Judge:Mrs Robyn Knuckey (WA)

Critique: Standing on the maximum of size, very well pigmented, well proportioned female of very good type. Very good head and expression with praiseworthy masking. Good strength foreface & good eye colour. Level wither, firm back. The croup could be longer and slightly better laid. Good fore & slightly deep hindquarter angulations. Good fore and under chest development. Stands correct in front with slightly upright pasterns. Steps cow hocked going, correct coming where the elbows should remain firmer. Very good movement with very good reach.

12/6/22 German Shepherd Dog Club Of SA.
Championship Show

Withdraw from the ring
Judge:Mr Peter Flynn (SA)

Critique: Very large, medium strong bitch of very good type and substance. Very good proportions height to length. Very good head and expression with very good masking & eye colour. Good strength of upper and lower jaw but slightly jowly. Very good length and lay of neck. High withers, firm back. Good length and lay of coup. Good fore quarter angulation where the upper arm could be longer &
better angled. Very good hind quarter angulation with broad thighs. Good fore and under chest development. Stands correct in front. Steps slightly close going, correct coming. Shows very good
ground covering gait with powerful drive and good reach. Withdrawn with permission

Evie's 2023 & 2024 Show Results

Please email me

.................... Litter "L".....................


Ch. *Bodecka Grandslam. 'A'Z'. H-neg.