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Sire: * Chili Della Valcuvia. Cl. 'A'.'Z'.
Owners / Jo Cathie, Brank Auwema, Hilary Green, Kylie Zimmerle

Dam: * Bodecka Mayhem. Cl. 'A'.'Z'. (Andie)
Breeder / Owner / Trainer: Jenny Joseph

"O" litter (1 dog SC & 1 SC bitch & 1 bitch LSC) Whelped 11/10/20
Dogs: Original Sin
Bitches: Out Of Control, Ooh La La (LSC).


BS classified. DM Clear. ZAP.
A (1/2) Z (0/0)

Excellent Merit. (Show)
Multi Excellent. (Show)

Breeder / Owner / Trainer: Jenny Joseph

La La 9/4/22

La La 27/1/23

29/1/23 Ballarat Dog Club Inc.
Championship Show
2nd Open Bitch. Excellent
Judge: Ms Jesica Kada (NSW)

Critique: Y:2 M:3 D:18 Height/Depth of Chest: 60/28 Large, strong female of good type and slightly compact proportions. Good head and expresssion, ideally her eye should be darker. Good length of neck, high wither, firm back. Slightly short well laid croup. Good fore and very good hind quarter angulation. Upper arm whilst of good lay should be longer. Stands correct in front, pasterns should be firmer. Correct short hocks. Presents a good picture in stance. Steps correct coming and going, elbows should be firmer. During movement displays very good reach and drive while maintaining her topline and balanced sequence of steps.

12/3/23 German Shepherd Dog Club Victoria. Inc.
State Breed Exhibition
2nd Open Bitch. Excellent
Judge: Mrs. Robyn Knuckey (WA)

Unmated at this stage, just over 2 years
Critique: Y:2 M:5 D:0 Height/Depth of Chest: 59.5/28. Large, substantial well proportioned long stock coat female of overall very good pigmentation and type. Strong, but still feminine head with praiseworthy strength of foreface. Medium eye colour, correct ear set. Good length of neck, good wither, firm back. Croup could be longer and slightly better laid. Very good fore slightly deep hindquarter angulation. Very good fore and pronounced underchest
development. In stance presents much harmony. Steps slightly narrow going, correct coming with good firmness of elbows. Very good free flowing movement with overall very good firmness and ligamentation. In off lead gaiting demonstrated very good ground covering movement, maintaining her witherline. Gunsure.

SUMMATION of Open Long Stock Coat Female class had 5 entered with 2 scratched. The Siegerin was *Ch Lordavo Royal
Symphony, a previous winner of this event. A harmoniously constructed female, without exaggeration, with effortless free flowing movement both on and off lead. At 5 years, showed her full maturity, fully deserving her Excellent Merit grading. Saying this, her position was pushed by the second placed female, * Bodecka Ohh La La, she was only just over 2 years and will mature more in the future, especially once she has a litter. She is a good representative of her bloodlines and should produce in the future. As she has no progeny, was graded Excellent 1.

16/4/23 German Shepherd Dog Club of SA.
59th Members Competition.
1st Open Bitch. Excellent
, Best LSC Bitch
Judge: Mr. Salvatore Pittellia (SA)

Critique: Height/Depth Of Chest: 59/28cm A large, substantial, very well pigmented, harmoniously constructed bitch of very good type. Well formed, powerful head with praiseworthy strength of upper and lower jaw. Very good eye color. Well set and shape of ears. Powerful, well set neck. High, long wither; firm back. The croup is of good length but set slightly steep. Very good length of foreleg. Very good forequarter angulation. Very good underline. Very good hindquarter angulation. Correct going with good firmness of hocks; correct coming. Stands correct in front. Shows strong, powerful movement whilst maintaining a very good topline.
The Best Long Coat Female came from the Open Class: Bodecka Ooh La La, a lovely, well-constructed female.

30/4/23 49th National German Shepherd Dog Show - Melbourne.
Championship Show & Trial
8th Open Bitch. Excellent

Judge: Mrs Heather Macdonald (UK)

Critique: Y:2 M:6 D: 17 Height/Depth Of Chest: 60/28cm Top size strong substantial female of beautiful type. Lovely well formed strong but still feminine head, dark mask where the eyes could be slightly darker, good ears. Good length of neck, high wither, straight back into a good croup. Very good fore angulation and deep hind angulation. Stands correct in front but the pasterns should be firmer. Very good underline. Going okay, slightly narrow coming. She moves with very balanced and harmonious movement with powerful hind thrust, the for reach could be more free.

La La 30/4/23

10/6/23 German Shepherd Dog Club of SA.
Roy Brabham Memorial Championship Show .
2nd Open Bitch. LSC. Excellent

Judge: Mr. Mike Bradley (NZ)

Critique: Height/Depth Of Chest: 58.5/28.5cm. An above medium size, strong, feminine, black & gold bitch of overall very good substance & type. Very good head and under jaw. The eye could be a shade darker. She is well developed for her age. Very good length of neck which is well set. High wither. Good mould of croup but slightly short. Very good hindquarter angulation. Very good top and underline. Good fore and underchest development. The pasterns ideally should be a fraction firmer. Steps nearly correct going with good hock connection; correct coming with good elbow connection. Shows very fleeting, powerful movement with powerful drive & very good reach. Maintains a good wither line

11/6/23 German Shepherd Dog Club of SA.
Neddermeyer Memorial Championship Show .
1st Open Bitch LSC. Excellent

Challange Bitch, Runner Up Best Of Breed
Judge: Mr. Greg Green (Vic)

Critique: Height/Depth Of Chest: 59.5/29cm. A large, strong, substantial, very well coloured, very well pigmented female of very good overall type and proportions. Strong head with very good stength of foreface. Good masking; the eyes could be darker. Good length of neck. High wither; firm. straight back. Slightly short but well moulded croup. Good fore; just slightly deep hindquarter angulations with good breadth of thigh. Very good fore and underchest development. Very good foreleg length; just slightly down in pasterns. Stands correct in front. Correct coming and going. In movement shows very good ground covering gait with very good drive and reach where the back remains firm.

12/8/23 GSDCV. Inc. Breed Exhibition Show
1st Open Bitch LSC. Excellent
Judge: Ms. Jo Cathy (NSW)

Critique: Y:2 M:10 D:1 Height/Depth of Chest: 59.5/29 Large, strong and substantial, very well pigmented black and gold female with a strong feminine head and very good expression, neat ears and strong jaws. High wither, firm back of good length, slightly
short, slightly steep croup. Very good angulation of the forehand, good underline, somewhat deep hindquarters. Moves slightly close away, correct towards. Moves very well showing very good enthusiasm, with good reach and drive maintaining her lines at all times. GUNSURE

La La 12/8/23

13/8/23 GSDCV. Inc. Breed Exhibition Show
1st Open Bitch LSC. Excellent
Judge: Mr. Hery Lau (Indonesia)

Critique: Y:2 M:10 D:2 Height/Depth of Chest: 59/28 Over medium size, medium strong. Good fore and very good hindquarter. Nice head and expressions. High wither. Good top and underline. Good length and lay of croup. Good front in stand. Rear movement is a little narrow. Good covering gait with good reach. Dog is very good proportion.

23/9/23 German Shepherd Dog Club of Tasmania Inc.
Championship Show
1st Open Bitch LSC Excellent
Challenge Bitch. Best of Breed LSC. Best Open In Show.
Best In Show.
Judge: Mrs Robyn Knuckey (WA)

Critique: 2 years 11 months - 59/28 Large, strong, substantial, well coloured long stock coat female of very good harmony and type. Strong, but still feminine head, praiseworthy strength of foreface,
medium eye colour, neck of good length and well angled. High wither, firm back, good croup, very good fore and hindquarter angulations, stands not quite correct in front, pasterns could be
a little firmer. Very good height to length ratio. Steps correct going, correct coming, where the elbows could be slighter firmer. Far reaching, powerful movement maintaining correct topline.

24/9/23 German Shepherd Dog Club of Tasmania Inc.
Championship Show
1st Open Bitch LSC Excellent

Challenge Bitch. Best of Breed LSC.
Judge: Mr. Andrew O’Loughlin (SA)

Critique: 60/28. Large, medium strong, feminine bitch of very good type and proportions. Very good head and expression. Very good length and lay of neck. Level withers, firm back, just slightly short, slightly steep croup. Very good fore, just slightly deep hind quarter angulation. Very good fore and under chest development. Stands correct in front, just slightly down in pasterns. Shown a little out of coat. Steps slightly narrow going, correct coming. During movement displays a very good ground covering gait.

8/3/24 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria Inc.
109th Championship Show
3rd Open Bitch LSC Excellent

Judge: Mr. Patrick Send (SV)

Critique: Y:3 M:4 D:29 Height/Depth of Chest: 59.5/28 Large, medium strong, substantial. Very good body proportions. Very nice type and expression. Very good and strong head. High withers, straight back, the croup could be a little longer and is slightly steep. Good forehand, very good hindquarter. Stands correct in front. Very good chest ratio. Steps close behind and in front. Very effective rear drive and good front reach.

14/4/24 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria Inc.
State Breed Exhibition
1st Open Bitch Excellent

Judge: Mrs Jenny Yuen (Vic)

Critique: Y:3 M:6 D:2 Height/Depth of Chest: 59.5/29. Incisors slightly worn. Large, well coated, well coloured long stock coat female. Strong yet feminine head with very good dark masking and well set ears. The eye could be darker. Good length of neck. Normal withers, slight peak behind. Slightly short, slightly steep croup. The upper arm should be a little longer and better angled. Slightly deep hind angulation. Good fore and underchest development. Slightly soft in pasterns. Steps close both front and rear. Hocks and elbows should be firmer. During movement both on and off lead she shows a
ground covering gait where at times she falls a little on the forehand. Gunsure.

5/5/24 German Shepherd Dog Club of Australia. Inc.
50th National Championship Show (SA)
11th Open Bitch LSC Excellent

Herr Rainer Mast SV (Gmy)

La La 5/5/24

19/5/24 German Shepherd Dog Club of Tasmania. Inc.
25th State Breed Exhibition

1st, Siegerin Open Bitch. LSC. Excellent Merit
Judge: Mr Ian Urie (Vic)

Critique: 61/29 Large strong and substantial well coloured female of very good type.  Broad expressive head, medium eye colour, well set ears. Good reach of neck, normal wither, firm back with a slight rise in the topline. Slightly short, slightly steep croup. Very good chest proportions, good forequarter with well angled upper arm, very good hind angulation. Steps slightly narrow going and correct coming. Good firmness of hocks and elbows. Shows correct sequence of steps. Very good ground covering movement. Gun sure. Off lead gaiting with good control, maintaining her topline.

Ooh La La is a Chili Della Valcuvia daughter of high quality and representative of her bloodlines. She had two daughters in the Baby Puppy Bitch LSC class. Well-deserved LSC Siegerin.

Part overview of the 2024 State Breed Exhibition from
Judge Ian Urie:
I had only one LSC female in the Open class, but Bodecka Ooh La La is a female of very high quality, representative of her breeding, and was my LSC Siegerin, Excellent Merit.

La La 21/5/24

8/6/24 German Shepherd Dog Club of South Australia. Inc.
Roy Brabham Memorial Championship show
2nd Open Bitch LSC Excellent
& Reserve Challenge Bitch
Judge: Mr. Tony Gibson (NZ)

Critique: Age: Y:3 M:7 D:28 Height/Depth: 59/28 Above medium size, very impressive female with very good expression. Very good head where the eyes could be slightly darker. Very good ear set. Very good length of neck. High wither & long, good back. Well laid croup of good length. Very good fore & hind quarter angles. Stands not quite correct in front. Correct coming & going. Displays excellent, far reaching movement.

9/6/24 German Shepherd Dog Club of South Australia. Inc.
Neddermeyer Memorial Championship show
2nd Open Bitch LSC Excellent

Judge: Mrs. Viv McCambridge(NZ)

Critique: Age: Y:3 M:7 D:28 Height/Depth: 59/28 Very closely set teeth. A well above medium size, strong, feminine bitch with very good expression. Very good length of neck. Normal wither, firm back. Slightly short croup but well laid. Very good fore quarter where the upper arm could be slightly longer; very good hind quarter angulation. Stands correct in front. Moves just slightly close coming, correct going. Shows a very good ground covering gait with very good reach and drive.

2/11/24 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria Inc.
110th Championship Show
5th Open Bitch LSC Excellent

Judge: Mr Gaetano Barbieri (Italy)

Critique: Y:4 M:0 D:22 Height/Depth of Chest: 59.5/27 Large, well proportioned bitch with good pigmentation. Strong but still feminine head. Normal withers, back should be straighter. Croup is quite short. Very good fore and hindquarter angulation. Well development of forechest. Stands correct in front. Pasterns should be firmer.Steps
close behind, hocks should be firmer. Shows free movement, powerful drive very good reach.

La La's 2025 Show Results

A (5/3) Z (0/0)

Multi Excellent. (Show)

Owners: Aaron Robinson/ Jenny Joseph

Evie 9/4/22

16/4/23 German Shepherd Dog Club of SA.
59th Members Competition.
2nd Open Bitch. Excellent
Judge: Mr. Salvatore Pittellia (SA)

Critique: Height/Depth Of Chest: 60/29cm. A very large, substantial, well pigmented, feminine bitch of a pleasing type. Well formed, feminine head with very good eye color. Well set, shape & firmness of ears. Praiseworthy strength of lower & upper jaws. Well set, powerful neck into a high, long wither; firm back. The croup is slightly steep. Very good forequarter angulation. Very good length of foreleg. Very good underline. Slightly deep hindquarter angulation. Moves slightly cowhocked going; correct coming with very good firmness of elbow joints. Stands correct in front. Shows strong, powerful movement whilst maintaining a very good topline.

30/4/23 49th National German Shepherd Dog Show - Melbourne.
Championship Show & Trial
25th Open Bitch. Excellent

Judge: Mr. Malcolm Griffiths (UK)

Critique: Y:2 M:6 D: 17 Height/Depth Of Chest: 60.5/28.5cm Large strong and substantial. Rather stretched female of very good type. Very good strong head, ears could be slightly firmer. Good wither, correct back. Good position of croup that should be slightly longer. Very good fore angulation. Rear angulation on the acceptable limits. Good chest proportions. Stands correct in front. Hocks should be firmer. Loose elbows. Very good movement with good overline retention.

14/4/24 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria Inc.
State Breed Exhibition
5th Open Bitch Excellent

Judge: Mrs Jenny Yuen (Vic)

Critique: Y:3 M:6 D:2 Height/Depth of Chest: 61/30. Very large, well coloured female of slightly stretched proportions. Feminine head with very good dark masking, and good breadth of skull. Slight Roman nose. Good length of neck. High withers, slight nick and
peak behind. Slightly steep croup. Strong broad thighs. Good length of upper arm that could be just slightly better angled. Excessive hind angulation. Good fore and underchest development. Stands and steps not quite correct in front with good firmness of elbows. Loose, cow hocked at rear. The hocks shoud be firmer. During movement both on and off lead she shows very good reach but the excessive angulation of the hindquarter impacts overall on the balance of the movement. Gunsure.

.................... Litter "L".....................


Ch. *Bodecka Grandslam. 'A'Z'. H-neg.