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Sire: *Djenuen Rock Machine. Cl. 1. 'A'.'Z'. (Rock)
Multi Excellent (Show)
Owner: D & J Yuen.
Dam: Ch. *Lashadas Xquisite. Cl. 1. 'A'.'Z'. (Squizzy)
Excellent Merit (Show)
Multi Excellent (Show)
Owner: Jenny Joseph.
Line breeding: Ch. *Iwan Vom Lechtal (5,3-4)
"Y" litter (2 dog & 2 bitches) Whelped 4/10/11
Dogs: Yobbo, Yoda
Bitches: Yeehaw, Yippee
Djenuen Rock Machine (Rock)
Cl.2 (size).'A' (3/2) 'Z' (0/0)
Multi Excellent (Show)
Owner : Bodecka Kennels (Vic)
Bodecka Yeehaw (Kimmy) 17 - 5- 15
5/2/12 Ballarat Dog Club. Inc.
8th Baby Puppy Bitch. Graded Very Promising.
Judge: Mr J. Novelli. (NSW)
18/2/12 German Shepherd Dog Club of Tasmania Inc.
2nd Baby Puppy Bitch. Graded Very Promising
Judge: Mr. Mike Bradley (N.Z)
Critique: 4.5 months. Black & gold typey bitch, firm and dry, feminine and expressive, good eye colour, "although young the ear tip should be a little more correct" good withers, firm straight back, croup just slightly steep, very good length of fore leg for her age, very good top and underline, the upper arm should be slightly longer and better angled, very good hindquarter angulation. Correct coming elbows yet to fully close, steps narrow going with very loose hocks. Good ground covering movement with good reach and drive.
19/2/12 German Shepherd Dog Club Of Tasmania Inc.
3rd Baby Puppy Bitch. Graded Very Promising
Judge: Mr Bruce Knight (WA)
Critique: 4.5 months. Medium strong, well pigmented and coloured black and gold bitch of very good type, good head and expression, good eye colour, good length of neck, normal withers, straight back, slightly short slightly noticeable steep croup, good forequarter where the upper arm should be longer and better laid, correct hindquarter angulation. Very good underline, pasterns should be firmer, stands correct in front. Steps slightly loose going correct coming. Shows very good ground covering movement, where the topline remains firm and the hocks should remain firmer.
10/3/12 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria. Inc.
10th Baby Puppy Bitch. Graded Very Good.
Judge: Herr Erich Bosl (SV)
1/4/12 Canine Museum Foundation Inc.
23rd Championship Show.
1st Baby Puppy Bitch.
Judge: Ms Jane Pike (SA)
Kimmy just under 6 months
26/8/12 German Shepherd Dog Ass of WA. Inc.
Walter Martin Memorial GSD Specialty Championship Show
1st Puppy Bitch. Graded Very Promising & Puppy In Show
Judge: Mrs Carol O'Rouke (WA)
29/9/11 A.C.T German Shepherd Dog Association. Inc.
Championship Show
4th Puppy Bitch. Graded Very Promising
Judge: Signor Francesco Capelli (Italy)
30/9/11 A.C.T German Shepherd Dog Association. Inc.
Championship Show
3rd Puppy Bitch. Graded Very Promising
Judge: Herr Dieter Oeser SV (Gmy)
26/10/14 German Shepherd Dog Ass of WA. Inc.
Westcoast Challenge Championship Show
3rd Open Bitch. Graded Excellent
Judge: Sig. Luciano Mussolino (Italy)
Critique: 3 years. 61 cms. On the upper limit of size. Very good type, very good head, excellent expression. Very good
pigment and colour. Good withers, good topline, good croup. Correct angulation. Steps close going, correct
coming. Good movement.
21/3/15 German Shepherd Dog Ass of WA. Inc.
Members competition
3rd Open Bitch. Graded Excellent
Judge: Ms Natalie Humphries. (WA)
Critique: 3 years 5 months. 61 cms. Standing on the upper limit of size, medium strong bitch of very good type and proportions. Very good head and expression with good eye colour. High withers, straight back, croup is slightly short and slightly steep. Good forequarter angulation, the upper arm is long but should be better
angled. Slightly deep hindquarter angulation. Good underline. Stands correct in front. Steps loose going, correct coming with the elbows still to firm. Shows very good balanced movement with very good reach and drive.
Bodecka Yeehaw (Kimmy) 17 - 5- 15
18- 19/4/15 German Shepherd Dog Ass of WA. Inc.
State Breed Exhibition
8th Open Bitch. Graded Excellent
Judge Open Bitch: Mr Bruce Knight (WA)
Critique: 3.5 years. 61 cms. Very large, substantial black and gold bitch of excellent type. Very good head and expression. Good ear set. Good length of neck. High withers, straight back, croup should be just slightly longer and better laid. Very good fore and hindquarter angulation. Correct chest proportions. Stands correct in front. Steps close going and correct coming. Shows very good ground covering movement with very good forehand reach and powerful drive. During the loose lead gaiting shows very good ground covering movement with very good forehand reach and powerful drive.
8/5/15 German Shepherd Dog Club of Australia. Inc.
43rd National Championshp Showy &Trial
11th Open Bitch. Graded Excellent
Judge: Herr Heinz Scheerer (SV) Gmy
Critique: 44mths. 61cm. Very large, medium strong, good chest proportions. Strong head, good expression. Good topline, the croup is a little steep and should be longer. Good fore and very good hindquarter angulations. Good chest proprtion correct in front. Steps a little close behind. Very good movement with very good reach.
Cl.1. 'A' (3/2) 'Z' (0/0)
Owner : Jentol Kennels (WA.)
5/2/12 Ballarat Dog Club. Inc.
6th Baby Puppy Dog. Graded Very Promising.
Judge: Mr J. Novelli. (NSW)
18/2/12 German Shepherd Dog Club of Tasmania Inc.
1st Baby Puppy Dog Graded Very Promising.
General Specials & Judge: Mr. Bruce Knight (WA)
Critique: 4.5 months. Strong & substantial, very well pigmented black and tan puppy of very good type. Very good head and expression, very good masking of the foreface, dark eyes, well set ears, very good length of neck, high withers, firm stright back, very good length and lay of the croup, very good angulations of the fore and hindquarter, good fore chest development for his age, correct going with normal puppy looseness, correct coming with normal elbow looseness, shows very good ground covering movement with very good reach and powerful drive.
19/2/12 German Shepherd Dog Club of Tasmania Inc.
1st Baby Puppy Dog. Graded Very Promising &
Best Baby Puppy in Show
Judge: Mr Mike Bradley (N.Z)
Critique: 4.5 months. Black and gold male, well above medium size, medium strong slightly stretched in probortions, typey male who is well coloured, well pigmented, medium strong, firm and dry for his age, praise worthy dark mask with complementary eye colour, good withers, firm back, slightly short croup, the upper arm should be slightly better angled, very good top and underline, very good hindquarter angulation, pasterns should be firmer. Steps just slightly wide going, correct coming, elbows yet to fully close. Exhibits very good ground covering movement with very good drive.
10/3/12 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria. Inc.
7th Baby Puppy Dog. Graded Very Promising.
Judge: Herr Erich Bosl (SV)
Robbo just under 6 months
1/4/12 Canine Museum Foundation Inc.
23rd Championship Show.
2nd Baby Puppy Dog.
Judge: Ms Jane Pike (SA)
26/8/12 German Shepherd Dog Ass of WA. Inc.
Walter Martin Memorial GSD Specialty Championship Show
2nd Puppy Dog. Graded Very Promising
Judge: Mrs Carol O'Rouke (WA)
Cl.1. 'A' (1/1) 'Z' (0/0)
Multi Excellent (Show)
Owner / Trainer: Edwina Neale
Yodda 17 months old.
18/5/12 German Shepherd Dog Club of Australia. Inc.
40th National Championship Show
2nd Minor Puppy Dog. Graded Very Promising
Judge: Herr. Albrecht Worner SV (Gmy)
Critique: 8 months. Large, medium strong, typey dog in very good proportions. High wither, firm and straight back, slightly short croup. Balanced chest proportions, good angulations of the fore and hindquarter. Stands correct in front. Stepping straight both front and rear. He shows good, powerful movement.
29/9/11 A.C.T German Shepherd Dog Association. Inc.
Championship Show
1st Puppy Dog. Graded Very Promising
Judge: Herr Dieter Oeser SV (Gmy)
30/9/11 A.C.T German Shepherd Dog Association. Inc.
Championship Show
1st Puppy Dog. Graded Very Promising
Judge: Signor Francesco Capelli (Italy)
11/5/13 German Shepherd Dog Club of Australia. Inc.
401st National Championship Show (SA)
8th Intemediate Dog. Graded Very Good
Judge: Herr Richard Brauch (SV)
Owner / Trainer: Andrea Rawling
Nike 11 months old
19/5/12 German Shepherd Dog Club of Australia. Inc.
40th National Championship Show &
Restricted Obedience Trial. (Newcastle & Hunter Region)
5th Minor Puppy Bitch. Graded Very Promising.
Judge: Herr Heinz Scheerer. SV. (Gmy)
9/6/12 German Shepherd Dog Club of South Australia. Inc.
68th Championship Show
2nd Minor Puppy Bitch. Graded Very Promising.
Judge: Mr. Frikke Kraysburg. (South Africa)
10/6/12 German Shepherd Dog Club of South Australia. Inc.
69th Championship Show
2nd Minor Puppy Bitch. Graded Very Promising.
Judge: Mr. Russell Wenham (Qld)
29/9/11 A.C.T German Shepherd Dog Association. Inc.
Championship Show
2nd Puppy Bitch. Graded Very Promising
Judge: Signor Francesco Capelli (Italy)
30/9/11 A.C.T German Shepherd Dog Association. Inc.
Championship Show
1st Puppy Bitch. Graded Very Promising
Judge: Herr Dieter Oeser SV (Gmy)