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Ch. Lashadas Xquisite. (Squizzy)
Cl. 1. 'A' (3/4) 'Z' (0/0)
Excellent Merit (Show)
Multi Excellent (Show)
Whelped 8/9/05
LaShadas Xquisite (Squizzy) 4 1/2 years old
Squizzy's 2008 Show Results
1/3/08 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria. Inc.
State Breed Exhibition.
2nd Open Bitch. Graded Excellent.
Judge: Mr Peter Flynn (Vic)
Critique: 2 years 6 months, well above medium size, strong substantial bitch of very good type, very good
head & expression with the desired dark eye, very good length & lay of neck, high withers, firm
back, good length & lay of croup, very good fore & hind quarter angulation, stands correct in front,
very good fore & under chest development, steps slightly close going, correct coming where the
elbows could be slightly tighter knit, shows fluid powerful movement with powerful drive & reach
16/8/08 Broken Hill German Shepherd Dog Club. Inc. (NSW)
60th Annual Championship Show.
1st Open Bitch. Graded Excellent.
Judge: Mr. Vince Tantaro. (Vic)
Critique: 3 years. 60cms. A large, medium strong, substantial very well pigmented and coloured
bitch of very good type. Very good head and expression, enhanced by dark eyes, and
masking. Good length of neck, high withers, firm back, slightly short slightly steep croup.
Stands correct in front. With very good fore and underchest. Good fore and very good
hindquarter angulation, the upper arm could still be longer and better angled. Steps
slightly narrow behind, hocks should be much firmer. In movement shows desired far
reaching powerful gait, good overall firmness.
17/8/08 Broken Hill German Shepherd Dog Club. Inc. (NSW)
61st Annual Championship Show.
7th Open Bitch. Graded Excellent.
Judge: Mr. Graeme Stevenson (N.S.W)
Critique: Nearly 3 years. 58cms. Just above medium size, medium strong bitch of good type. Very good
feminine head with a dark eye. Level wither firm back, well laid but slightly short croup.
Good fore, and very good hindquarter angulation, good fore and very good underchest
development. Stands correct in front. Moves correct coming and going. Shows very good
ground covering gait where the back remains firm.
1/11/08 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria. Inc.
82nd Championship Show.
1st Open Bitch. Graded Excellent. & Reserve Challange
Judge: Herr Ernst Seifert. SV. (Germany)
Critique: 3yr 60cm. Large, medium strong, a bitch in very good proportions, very typey and expressive.
Very good pigment and expressive head. Very good top and underline, very good length
and lay of croup. Very good hindquarter angulation, the upper arm should be better angled,
correct chest proportions. Stands straight in front. Steps straight in front and close behind.
Very good length of stride.
2/11/08 Working Dog Club of Victoria. Inc.
34th Championship Show
3rd Open Bitch. Graded Excellent.
Judge: Mrs. Fran Farley (Vic)
Critique: 36 months 58 cm Above medium size, medium strong, richly pigmented, expressive feminine bitch of very pleasing
impression in stance. Very good masking of the foreface with dark eyes. Standing correctly
when viewed from front, very good fore and under chest development. Strong neck, normal
wither, firm back, the croup is a little short and steep in angle. Very good fore and
hindquarter angulations, the quite well laid upper arm could be a little longer. Stepping
correctly in rear, she shows fleeting ground covering movement with very good reach and
strong hindquarter thrust.
Squizzy's 2009 Show Results
8/2/09 Ballarat Dog Club. Inc.
Championship Show
5th Open Bitch. Graded Excellent.
Judge: Mrs. Melanie Groth. (NSW)
Critique: 3yr 6 mths Above medium size, medium strong, powerfully built slightly
elongated female. Well coloured and well pigmented. Good head with the
desired dark eyes that are a little round. Very good masking. Good neck. Level
wither, firm back, well moulded slightly steep croup. Very good fore and
hindquarter angulation. Pronounced fore and underchest development. The
pasterns should be a little firmer. Shown in slightly out of coat condition.
Stepping narrow at rear, correct in front, the elbows should be a little tighter.
In movement, displays powerful drive with very good reach showing very
good ground coverage.
31/10/09 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria. Inc.
84th Championship Show
6th Open Bitch. Graded Excellent.
Judge: Mr Vince Tantaro (Vic)
Critique: Just over 4. 59 cm. A large medium strong, substantial, very well coloured and pigmented bitch, very good type, very good head and expression enhanced by dark eyes and dark mask colour, good length of neck normal, withers firm, back slightly short slightly steep croup. Stands correct in front, very good fore and under chest, good fore and very good hindquarter angulation. Steps slightly narrow front and rear, hocks should be firmer. Movement:shows very good groundcover, far reaching and powerful drive.
1/11/09 Working Dog Club of Victoria. Inc.
35th Championship Show
13th Open Bitch. Graded Excellent.
Judge: Herr Richard Brauch. SV. (Gmy)
14th/11/09 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria. Inc.
Open Show.
1st Open Bitch.
Judge: Ms. Linda Vaughan
Squizzy's Show Results 2010, 2011 &
2012 - 2013