Sire: *Pépé von der Zenteiche (Pepe) (Imp Gmy)
Kkl 1 HD normal ED normal HDZW 79
Dam: *Bodecka Xrated. Cl. 1. 'A'.'Z'. (Taylor)
Excellent Merit (Show)
Multi Excellent (Show)
Owner: Shaun Schembri.
"C" litter (5 dogs & 4 bitches) Whelped 20/8/14
Dogs: Crime Boss, Con Man, Cracker Jack, Carbon Copy, Casanova (LSC)
Bitches: Cracked Pepper, Chilly Pepper, Candy Crush, Chantillylace (LSC)
Pépé von der Zenteiche
Cl.1. 'A' (5/5) 'Z' (0/0)
Owner of breeding semen : Jenny Joseph
Caz 26 months old 29/10/16
Caz 18 weeks old 25/12/14
16/11/14 GSDCV Eastern Branch Funday
1st Baby Puppy Dog LSC & 3rd Puppy A Obedience
7/12/14 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria. Inc.
Open Show
2nd Baby Dog LSC.
Judge: Ms Jeannette Lees (Vic)
8/2/15 Ballarat Dog Club Inc.
Championship Show
1st Baby Puppy Dog LSC. Very Promising
& Best Baby of Breed
Judge: Mr. Alastair Henderson (Vic)
8/2/15 German Shepherd Dog Club Of Tasmania. Inc.
1st Baby Puppy Dog LSC. Very Promising
Best Baby of Breed
Judge: Ms Jane Pike (SA)
Critique: 5 ½ mths, Strong male puppy for his age, very good masculine head however the expression is marred by slightly rounded eye. Very good forequarter angulation for his age, deep hindquarter angulation. For this stage of development good bone strength. Moves cow hocked behind, correct coming. In movement shows good reach and drive for his age. The hock joints need to be firmer.
8/3/15 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria. Inc.
24th State Breed Exhibition & Trial
7th - 8th March 2015
1st Minor Puppy Dog LSC. Graded Very Promising
Judge: Mr Greg Green (Vic)
Critique: 6.5 Mths Large strong substantial dog. Very well coloured and very well
pigmented.. Very good masking of skull and foreface, where the planes of the
head could be a little more correct. Good expression very good eye colour. Overall
he has very good proportions Very good length of neck and stands with high
wither. Straight back. Slightly short but well laid croup. Good fore and very good
hindquarter angulation. He has balanced fore and underchest development. Very
good length of foreleg. Stands correct in front. In movement shows very good
ground cover with very good reach and drive where the back remains firm.
Caz 6 1/2 months old 8/3/15
8/5/15 German Shepherd Dog Club of Australia. Inc.
43rd National Championshp Showy &Trial
1st Minor Puppy LSC. Very Promising
Judge: Herr. Lothar Quoll (SV) (Gmy)
Caz 8 1/2 months old 8/5/15
31/10/15 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria. Inc.
94th Championship Show
1st Junior Dog. Graded Very Good
Judge: Herr Eric Boesl (SV) Gmy.
Critique: 14 1/2 months. 65.5cm. Large, medium strong of good type. High withers, good length and lay of the croup. Very good angulations. Stands correct in front. Moves correct coming and going. Shows very good movement.
1/11/15 Working Dog Club Of Victoria. Inc.
1st Junior Dog. Graded Very Good
Judge: Mr. Russell Wenham (Qld)
Critique: 14 1/2mths. 65.5cm. Standing on the upper limit, very large, strong, substantial, well coloured and pigmented long stock coat male of very good type. Strong masculine head with very good skull planes and very good eye colour. Correct length of neck. Level withers, firm back, good length and mould of the croup. Very good forequarter angulations with straight front lines. Very good length of foreleg. Very good hindquarter angulation with broad well muscled thighs. Moves correct going with firm hocks, moves correct coming where the elbows should be a little tighter. At the gait shows very good sequence of steps. The hindquarter thrust is powerful and has free forehand reach.
Caz 1/11/15
Pepper at 6 1/2 months old 8/3/15
Pepper at just under 5 months old 18/1/15
Pepper at 10 1/2 weeks old 2/11/14
16/11/14 GSDCV Eastern Branch Funday
1st Baby Puppy Bitch & 1st Puppy A Obedience
7/12/14 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria. Inc.
Open Show
1st Baby Bitch.
Judge: Ms Jeannette Lees (Vic)
Pepper at 16 1/2 weeks old 13/12/14
8/2/15 Ballarat Dog Club Inc.
Championship Show
1st Baby Puppy Bitch. Very Promising
& Best Baby of Breed
Judge: Mr. Alastair Henderson (Vic)
8/2/15 German Shepherd Dog Club Of Tasmania. Inc.
1st Baby Puppy Bitch. Very Promising
Baby of Breed & Best Baby In Show
Judge: Ms Jane Pike (SA)
Critique: 6 mths. Well pigmented, well coloured feminine baby of very good type. High wither for her age, very clean lines, would like to see under jaw a little stronger, croup slightly steep for her age, moves close behind correct coming.
8/3/15 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria. Inc.
24th State Breed Exhibition & Trial
7th - 8th March 2015
5th Minor Puppy Bitch. Graded Very Promising
Judge: Mr Greg Green (Vic)
Critique: 6.5 Mths. above medium size medium strong very well pigmented very well coloured
bitch of overall good proportions. Very good head very good expression, very good
masking of foreface and skull. Very good ear placement. Good length of neck, stands
with normal wither, straight back. Slightly short just slightly steep croup. Good fore
upper arm should be slightly longer & better angled very good hind angulation with
good breadth of thigh. Balanced underchest development. Good length of foreleg.
Stands correct in front. Moves slightly cowhocked behind correct coming. In
movement shows very good drive with good reach where the back remains firm.
Pepper at 6 1/2 months old 8/3/15
4/4/15 German Shepherd Dog League. Inc.
Championship Show
2nd Minor Bitch. Graded Very Promising
Judge: Herr Andreas Rudolph. SV. (Gmy)
8/5/15 German Shepherd Dog Club of Australia. Inc.
43rd National Championshp Showy &Trial
25th Minor Puppy Bitch. Very Promising
Judge: Herr Heinz Scheerer (SV) Gmy
24/5/15 German Shepherd Dog Club of Tasmania. Inc.
State Breed Exhibition
1st Puppy Bitch. Very Promising
Judge: Mr. Bruce Knight (WA)
Critique: 9 mths, 61 cms. Very large, medium strong, typey, black and gold bitch. Very good head and expression, dark eyes, well set ears. Good length of neck, high withers, straight back, good croup. Good fore quarter, upper arm should be slightly longer. Correct hind quarter angulation. Very good fore and slightly short under chest. Stands correct in front. Steps correct going and coming. Shows very good ground covering movement, very good reach and drive. Top line remains firm.
'A' (3/7) 'Z' (0/0)
Owners: Marg Adams/ Steve Jones
Konan 10 1/2 weeks old 2/11/14
16/11/14 GSDCV Eastern Branch Funday
1st Baby Puppy Dog
14/3/15 Canine Expo Championship Show. Inc.
1st Minor Puppy Dog, Best in Group 5
& Minor Puppy In Show
Judge: Sandra Mashford (Vic)
'A' (6/5) 'Z' (0/0)
Owner: Rae White (NSW)
13/12/14 German Shepherd Dog League of NSW. Inc.
Sanction Championship Show
3rd Baby Puppy Bitch. Graded Very Promising
Judge: Mrs Faye Stokes (NSW)
28/2/15 Wollongong District Kennel Club. Inc.
Championship Show
1st Minor Puppy Bitch & Minor Of Breed
Judge: Mrs K. Sneath (Vic)
28/2/15 Wollongong District Kennel Club. Inc.
Championship Show
1st Minor Puppy Bitch & Minor Of Breed
Judge: Mrs Robyn Hartmire (QLD)
4/4/15 German Shepherd Dog League. Inc.
Championship Show
12th Minor Puppy Bitch. Graded Very Promising
Judge: Herr Andreas Rudolph. SV. (Gmy)
Owner: Rae White
Hanna at 16 1/2 weeks old 13/12/14
13/12/14 German Shepherd Dog League of NSW. Inc.
Sanction Championship Show
1st Baby Puppy Bitch. LSC. Graded Very Promising
Judge: Mrs Faye Stokes (NSW)
28/2/15 Wollongong District Kennel Club. Inc.
Championship Show
1st Minor Puppy Bitch & Minor Of Breed
Reserve Challenge & Runner Up Best OF Breed
Judge: Mrs K. Sneath (Vic)
28/2/15 Wollongong District Kennel Club. Inc.
Championship Show
1st Minor Puppy Bitch & Minor Of Breed
Reserve Challenge & Runner Up Best OF Breed
Judge: Mrs Robyn Hartmire (QLD)
4/4/15 German Shepherd Dog League. Inc.
Championship Show
3rd Minor Puppy Bitch. Graded Promising
Judge: Herr Andreas Rudolph. SV. (Gmy)