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Sire: *Ch. Orrinshir Elton John. Cl. 1. 'A' 'Z'
Multi Excellent
Owner: Mark Stedwell
Dam: Ch. *Lashadas Xquisite Cl. 1. 'A'.'Z'. (Squizzy)
Excellent Merit (Show)
Multi Excellent (Show)
Owner: Jenny Joseph.
Line breeding: Ch. *Iwan Vom Lechtal. (4,5,-4)
Hagenstolz Final Card - Hagenstolz 'H' Litter
Horoscope - High Noon (5,5-5)
"X" litter (1dogs & 1 bitch) Whelped 6/9/2010
Dogs: Xterminator
Bitches: Xrated
*Ch. Orrinshir Elton John (Harley)
Cl.1. 'A' (4/3) 'Z' (0/0)
Excellent Merit (Show)
Multi Excellent (Show)
Breeder / Owner / Trainer: Jenny Joseph
Taylor 2 years old 9/9/12
Taylor 5 months old 6/2/11
6/2/11 Ballarat Dog Club Inc.
Championship Show
3rd Baby Puppy Bitch. Very Promising
Judge: Mr Rod Vernon (Qld)
19/2/11 German Shepherd Dog Club of Tasmania Inc.
Championship Show
1st Baby Puppy Bitch. Very Promising & Baby Puppy In Show
Judge: Mrs Fay Stokes (NSW)
Gerneral Specials Judge: Mrs Joylene Neddermeyer (Vic)
Critique: 5 1/2 months. A bitch of very good type and very good proportions. Very good head and expression, lovely dark mask, very good eye colour. High wither, firm back, just slightly short and slighty steep croup. Showing very good angulations of the fore and hindquarter, very good underline, stepping correct front and rear.
20/2/11 German Shepherd Dog Club of Tasmania Inc.
Championship Show
1st Baby Puppy Bitch. Very Promising & Baby Puppy In Show
Judge: Mrs Joylene Neddermeyer (Vic)
Gerneral Specials Judge: Mrs Fay Stokes (NSW)
Critique: 5 1/2 months. Well coloured, well pigmented, feminine expressive bitch of very good type. Good length of neck, good topline, slightly short croup, for her age correct angulations. Very good head with still good eye colour and good ear carriage. Displays the right stage of development for her age. Steps slightly narrow at rear correct in front, shows very good movement.
Taylor 6 months old 6/3/11
12/3/11 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria Inc.
State Breed Exhibition
1st Minor Puppy Bitch. Very Promising
Judge: Mrs Fran Farley (Vic)
Taylor 1st place Minor Bitch, GSDC Vic State Breed 12/3/11
Taylor 12/3/11
22/4/11 German Shepherd Dog Club of Australia. Inc.
39th National Championship Show & Trial
2nd Minor Puppy Bitch. Graded Very Promising.
Judge: Herr Lothar Quoll. SV. (Gmy)
Critique: 8 mths. Large medium strong, with good pigment. Good topline, very good angulations and correct chest proportions. Stands correct in front. Stepping correctly front and rear with powerful drive and good forward reach. Double P1 upper right.
30/4/11 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria. Inc
86th Championship Show
1st Minor Puppy Bitch. Graded Very Promising.
Judge: Mr. Russell Wenham. (Qld)
Taylor 30/4/11 GSDCV. Inc 86th Championship show
Taylor 30/4/11
22/5/11 German Shepherd Dog Club of Tasmania. Inc
Championship Show
1st Minor Puppy Bitch. Graded Very Promising &
Minor Puppy In Show
Judge: Mr. Stephen Collins (SA)
Critique: 8.5 months. Double P1 upper right. Well above medium size, medium strong, feminine bitch, richly coloured and pigmented of slightly stretched proportions. Very good head and expression the eye colour could be just a little darker. Normal wither, firm back, a well angled croup which could be just a little longer, good fore and very good underchest development. Good forequarter angulation where the upper arm should be better angled, very good hindquarter angulation. Steps correct going with slight looseness of hocks, correct coming with loose elbows, Displays very good ground covering gait, strong hindquarter drive and good forehand reach.
28/5/11 Bulla Amenities Show.
The Oak Championship Show
1st Minor Puppy Bitch
Group 5 & German Shepherd Specalist Judge: Bruce Anderson (NZ)
11/6/11 German Shepherd Dog Club of South Australia. Inc
66th Championship Show
1st Puppy Bitch. Graded Very Promising & Puppy In Show
Judge: Mrs. Honey Gross-Richardson (WA)
12/6/11 German Shepherd Dog Club of South Australia. Inc
67th Championship Show
1st Puppy Bitch. Graded Very Promising &
Puppy In Show
Judge: Mr Greg Green. (Vic)
9/7/11 Junior Kennel Club of Victoria. Inc
1st Puppy Bitch, Best Puppy of Breed & Best Puppy in Group 5
Judge: Mrs. Jean Butterfield. (SA.)
Taylor 2/10/11
1/10/11 A.C.T German Shepherd Dog Association. Inc.
Championship Show
1st Junior Bitch. Graded Very Good & Reserve Challenge Bitch
Judge: Herr Rainer Mast. SV. (Gmy)
Critique: Aged 1 year 1 month. Large, medium strong bitch, expressive with a good head, high wither firm back and a slightly steep croup, very good angulations of both the fore and hindquarter. Stands correct in front. Stepping slightly close. She shows flowing expansive movement.
2/10/11 A.C.T German Shepherd Dog Association. Inc.
Championship Show
3rd Junior Bitch. Graded Very Good
Judge: Herr Christof Ludwig. SV. (Gmy)
Critique: Aged 1 year 1 month. Over medium size, medium strong, very expressive, good head, very good topline, good angulations, croup should be slightly longer. Correct coming and going. Powerful movement with good gaiting. Dry and firm overall.
29/10/11 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria. Inc
87th Championship Show
2nd Junior Bitch. Graded Very Good.
Judge: Mr. John Fenner. (WA)
Critique: 60.5cms. Quite large, strong, very well proportioned bitch of very good type. Well pigmented black and gold saddle markings. Strong, yet feminine head. Normal length of neck, high withers, straight back, slightly short and slightly steep croup. Correct in front. Well developed fore and underchest. Very good forequarter and very good hindquarter. Correct going and coming, still to achieve final firmness in hocks and elbows. Displays very good ground covering movement, very balanced free reach and drive, with a good retention of topline.
30/10/11 Working Dog Club of Victoria. Inc
87th Championship Show
7th Junior Bitch. Graded Very Good.
Judge: Herr J. Stiegler SV. (Gmy)
Critique: 61cm. Large, powerful, substantial bitch of good proportions. Strong head. Pronounced withers, straight back, good lay of croup but should be longer. Correct chest proportions. Correct in front. Very good angulation of the fore and hindquarter. Correct coming and going. Powerful hindquarter drive and free forward reach.
4/12/11 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria. Inc
Open Show
1st Junior Bitch, Junior in show & Runner up in Show
Judge: Ms. Cathryn Evans. (Vic)
17/12/11 Yarra Valley Kennel Club Inc.
Championship Show
1st Junior Bitch, Best Junior & Reserve Challenge Bitch
Judge: Mr. R. Britten. (NSW)
In 2011 Bodecka Xrated (Taylor) |
Taylor's 2012, & 2013 & 2014 Show Results