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Cl.1. 'A' (4/3) 'Z' (0/0)
Excellent Merit (Show)
Multi Excellent (Show)
Breeder / Owner / Trainer: Jenny Joseph
Taylor at just 2 years old 9/9/12
1/1/12 New Years Day Amenities Show.
Championship Show
1st Junior Bitch
Judge: Ms. J Seary. (NSW)
14/1/12 South Eastern Kennel Club. Inc
Championship Show
1st Junior Bitch
Judge: Mr. Osamu Toyokawa. (Japan)
15/1/12 Yarra Rangers Kennel Club. Inc.
Championship Show
1st Junior Bitch
Judge: Ms Renee Fourie. (South Africa)
28/1/12 Australia Day International Dog Club. Inc.
Championship Show
2nd Junior Bitch
Judge: Mr. M. Zidar (Slovenia)
29/1/12 Cranbourne Dog Club. Inc.
Championship Show
1st Junior Bitch
Judge: Mr. M. Riady (Indonesia)
Taylor 16 months old 7/1/12
5/2/12 Ballarat Dog Club. Inc.
2nd Junior Bitch. Graded Very Good.
Judge: Mr J. Novelli. (NSW)
Critique: Large, very good type. Good colour and pigment. Very good head. Good dark eyes. Very good length of neck, high withers, very good topline. Croup is medium length and slightly steep. Steep upper arm of good length,. Very good hindquarter angulations. Very good underline. Going and coming correct. Stands correct. Excellent movement with very good reach and drive.
18/2/12 German Shepherd Dog Club of Tasmania. Inc.
1st Junior Bitch. Graded Very Good.
Judge: Mr. Mike Bradley (N.Z)
General Specials Judge: Mr. Bruce Knight (WA)
Critique: 17 months, Black and gold, bitch which has overall general construction, slightly stretched in her proportions, well coloured and well pigmented. Large above medium size, strong feminine and expressive, good eye colour, good length of neck that is well set, high withers instance, firm straight back, croup just slightly steep, long upper arm that should be better angled good development of fore and underchest, pasterns should be a little firmer, very good top and underline, very good hindquarter angulation. Stands nearly correct in front, steps just slightly wide going with good hock connection nearly correct coming elbows yet to fully close. Her overall movement is very good, very good drive, good reach, back could be a fraction firmer.
19/2/12 German Shepherd Dog Club of Tasmania. Inc.
1st Junior Bitch. Graded Very Good & Best Junior in Show
Judge: Mr. Bruce Knight (WA)
General Specials Judge: Mr.Mike Bradley (N.Z)
Critique: 17 months: 61cm. Double p1 upper right. Very large, expressive, well proportioned, black and gold bitch of very good type, very good head and expression, dark eyes, good length of neck, high withers, firm straight back, very well molded croup, could be slightly longer, very good forequarter angulation where the upper arm could be slightly longer, very good hindquarter angulation, very good fore and under chest development, stands corrrect in front. Steps correct going and coming where the elbows should be firmer. Shows free flowing gait, very good forehand reach and powerful drive.
Taylor 10/3/12
10/3/12 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria. Inc.
88th Championship Show
3rd Intermediate Bitch. Graded Very Good.
Judge: Herr Erich Bosl (SV)
18 mths. Double P1 upper right. Large, medium strong. Good type. High wither, steep croup. Good fore and hindquarter angulation. Correct front. Steps correct front and rear. Good movement.
1/4/12 Canine Museum Foundation Inc.
23rd Championship Show.
2nd Intermediate Bitch.
Judge: Ms Jane Pike (SA)
5/5/12 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria. Inc.
21st State Breed Exhibition
2nd Intermediate Bitch. Graded Very Good.
Judge: Mr. Alastair Henderson
Critique: 18 mths 61 cm. Standing on the upper limit of size, a medium strong bitch of overall very good type and proportions. Strong feminine head with good masking. Firm straight back, the croup could be longer and better angled. Good length of neck. High withers, well laid but slightly short upper arm, very good hindquarter angulation with good breadth of thighs. Good fore and very good underchest development for her age. Stands correct in front. Steps close going, both hocks and elbows could be tighter. During movement displays very good drive and reach with very good overall firmness.
Taylor 24/3/12
19/5/12 German Shepherd Dog Club of Australia. Inc.
40th National Championship Show &
Restricted Obedience Trial. (Newcastle & Hunter Region)
10th Intermediate Bitch. Graded Very Good.
Judge: Herr Heinz Scheerer. SV. (Gmy)
Judges comments on the pegs: A very substantial, large, slightly stretched, shes just on the boarder of masculine in the head, firm back, correct angulations, showed herself very well in movement.
Critique: Double P1 upper right. 60 cm. Large, medium strong, good type, Strong head. High withers, firm back, the croup should be slightly longer, the upper arm should be better laid, very good hindquarter angulation. Good chest proportions. Stands straight in front. Powerful far reaching movement.
9/6/12 German Shepherd Dog Club of South Australia. Inc.
68th Championship Show
3rd Intermediate Bitch. Graded Very Good.
Judge: Mr. Frikke Kraysburg. (South Africa)
Critique: 21 months. Upper medium size, medium strong, substantial, slightly too stretched with powerful feminine head with dark eyes. The withers could be slightly higher, straight back, croup slightly steep slightly short. Very good hind angulation, the upper arm is slightly steep slightly short. The front could be a little more correct. Correct going correct coming. Very good hind thrust and slightly restricted forereach. Balanced side gait.
Taylor 10/6/12
10/6/12 German Shepherd Dog Club of South Australia. Inc.
69th Championship Show
1st Intermediate Bitch. Graded Very Good.
Judge: Mr. Russell Wenham (Qld)
Critique: 60cms. Large, strong, harmonious very well constructed bitch that presents an excellent picture in stance with a strong feminine head and very good skull planes and desired eye colour. Good strength of upper and lower jaw. Correct length of neck, high withers, firm back, very good length and mould of the croup. Stands correct in front, very good length of foreleg. Very good fore angulation, very good underline, very good hindquarter angulation with broad well muscled thighs and short strong hocks. Moves correct going, the hocks should be a little firmer, moves correct coming, the elbows should be a little tighter in movement. Displays a very good ground covering gait, the reach is expansive and the drive is powerful.
18/8/12 The Broken Hill German Shepherd Dog Club Inc. (NSW)
66th Championship Show
2nd Intermediate Bitch. Graded Very Good.
Judge: Mr. Bruce Knight. (WA)
19/8/12 The Broken Hill German Shepherd Dog Club Inc. (NSW)
67th Championship Show
3rd Intermediate Bitch. Graded Very Good.
Judge: Mr. Andrew Thor. (NSW)
23/9/12 German Shepherd Dog Club of Tasmania. Inc.
16th State Breed Assessment
4th Open Bitch. Graded Excellent Merit.
Judge: Mr. Terry Jarvis. (NSW)
Critique: 61 cms, 2 yrs: Teeth double P1 upper right. Large strong slightly elongated bitch of excellent type,
very good expressive head, high wither, firm back, good length and lay of croup, very good hind
quarter angulations, very good fore quarter angulations, good fore chest development, stands correct
in front, moves correct coming and going, moves with very good reach and powerful drive
transmitted through a firm back.
29/9/12 A.C.T German Shepherd Dog Association. Inc.
Championship Show
12th Open Bitch. Graded Excellent
Judge: Signor Francesco Capelli (Italy)
Critique: Age 2 years. 59cm. Double P1 upper right. Typey, feminine, good pigment, bone and muscle strength. Good topline, short croup, correct underline, the upper arm should be better angled, very good hindquarter angulation. Steps correct going and coming. She shows good reach and very good drive.
30/9/12 A.C.T German Shepherd Dog Association. Inc.
Championship Show
2nd Open Bitch. Graded Excellent
Judge: Herr Dieter Oeser SV (Gmy)
Critique: Age 2 years. Large, strong, very good expression, somewhat steep upper arm, straight front, good proportions, very good movement.
2/12/12 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria. Inc.
Open Show
2nd Open Bitch & Runner Up Best In Show
Judge: Mr. Anthony Price. (Vic.)
Taylor's 2011, & 2013 & 2014 Show Results