German Shepherd Dog Shows & Obedience Trials Results (Australia) 2009
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Ballarat Dog Club. Inc. (Vic)
Championship Show.
German Shepherd Judge: Mrs. Melanie Groth. (NSW)
8th February 2009
German Shepherd Dog Club Of SA. Inc.
Open Show.
Judge: Mr. P. Martin. (SA)
21st February 2009
German Shepherd Dog Club Of QLD. Inc.
Open Show.
Judge: Mr. Tim Thomas.
21st February 2009
German Shepherd Dog Club Tasmania. Inc.
Championship Show.
Judges: Mr. John Fenner. (WA.)
Mrs. Fran Farley. (Vic)
21st & 22nd February 2009
Berwick All Breeds Kennel Club. Inc (Vic)
Championship Show.
German Shepherd Judge: Mr. Vince Tantaro. (Vic)
Group Specials: Mr. J Wishart.
General Specials: Miss. M. Joyce.
22nd February 2009
German Shepherd Dog Club Of Victoria. Inc.
18th State Breed Exhibition
Judge: Mr. Ian Urie. (Vic)
7th March 2009
German Shepherd Dog Ass of WA. Inc.
Members Specialty Competition.
Judges : Dogs - Mrs. Honey Gros-Richardson. (WA)
Bitches - Mrs. Robyn Knuckey. (WA)
14th March 2009
Newcastle & Hunter Region GSD. NSW. Inc.
Championship Show.
Judge: Mr. Stephen Cox. (UK)
21st - 22nd March 2009
All Breeds Kennel Association Inc. Tasmania
Championship Show.
German Shepherd Judge & Balance of Group 5:
Mr. P. Flynn. (Vic)
28th March 2009
German Shepherd Dog Leauge. NSW. Inc.
Easter Championship Show & Trial.
Judge: Mr. Terry Hannon. (UK.)
11th - 12th April 2009
German Shepherd Dog Ass of WA. Inc.
21st State Breed Exhibition.
Panel of Western Australia G.S.D. specialist judges
18th & 19th April 2009
German Shepherd Dog Club SA. Inc.
10th Members Specialty Competition .
Judge: Mrs Fay Stokes. (NSW)
19th April 2009
German Shepherd Dog Club Of Victoria. Inc.
83rd Championship Show.
Judge: Herr Joachim Dux. SV. (Gmy)
2nd - 3rd May 2009
German Shepherd Dog Ass Of WA. Inc.
Members Specialty Competition.
Judge: Mr. Bruce Knight
17th May 2009
German Shepherd Dog Club Tasmania. Inc.
Championship Show.
Judge: Mr. Greg Green
23rd - 24th May 2009
Dogs West All breeds. Inc. WA.
Championship Show.
German Shepherd Judge: Mr. Bruce Anderson. (NZ)
30th May 2009
German Shepherd Dog League NSW. Inc.
Open Show.
Judge: Mrs Fay Stokes. (NSW)
6th June 2009
German Shepherd Dog Ass Of WA. Inc.
Members Specialty Competition.
Judge: Mrs. Natalie Humphries
14th June 2009
German Shepherd Dog Club Of Australia. Inc.
37th National Championship Show
& Restricted Trial (Qld)
Judge: Dogs - Herr Heinz Scheerer. SV. (Gmy)
Bitches - Herr Gunther Muller. (SV) (Gmy)
19th - 21st June 2009
German Shepherd Dog Club of S.A. Inc.
State Breed Exhibition.
Judge: Mr. J. Neddermeyer (SA)
12th July 2009
German Shepherd Dog League Of NSW. Inc.
State Breed Assessment
Panel of NSW GSD Specialist Judges
1st - 2nd August 2009
Newcastle & Hunter Region GSD. NSW. Inc.
Championship Show.
Judge: Mr. Bruce Knight
9th - 10th August 2009
The Broken Hill G.S.D Club. Inc. (NSW)
62nd & 63rd Championship Shows.
Judge: Ms Jane Pike (SA)
15th August 2009
Judge: Mr. R. Weham. (Qld)
16th August 2009
German Shepherd Dog Ass of WA. Inc.
Walter Martin Memorial Championship Show.
Judge: Mr. Alastair Henderson. (Vic)
23rd August 2009
Brighton Kennel Club. Inc. Tasmania
Championship Show.
Judge: Mr. Ian Cooke (SA)
5th September 2009
Royal Adelaide Show. Inc.
Championship Show.
Judge: Mr. L. Donald (Qld)
8th September 2009
German Shepherd Dog Club Of Qld. Inc.
State Breed Exhibition.
Judge: Mr. Barry O’Rourke (Qld)
12th September 2009
German Shepherd Dog Club Of SA. Inc.
Members Compition.
Judge: Mr. Peter FLynn (SA)
20th September 2009
German Shepherd Dog Ass Of WA. Inc.
Members Specialty Competition.
Judge: Mr. John Fenner (WA)
20th September 2009
ACT German Shepherd Dog Association Inc.
Championship Show.
Judges : Glenn Gregory (NSW)
Joe Summerhill (UK)
3rd - 4th October 2009
German Shepherd Dog League Of NSW. Inc.
Championship Show.
Judge: Mr. Ian Urie (Vic)
10th October 2009
Longford Agricultural Show. Inc. Tasmania
Championship Show.
Group 5 & GSD Judge: Mrs. Jean Butterfield (SA)
17th October 2009
German Shepherd Dog Club Tasmania. Inc.
13th State Breed Assessment.
Judge: Mr Russell Wenham (Qld)
18th October 2009
Working Dog Club of Queensland. Inc.
Championship Show.
Judge: Mr. Steve Collins (SA)
Group 5 Judge: Mrs. Sherel Money (Vic)
18th October 2009
German Shepherd Dog Ass of WA. Inc.
West Coast Challenge Championship Show.
Judge: Herr Richard Brauch SV. (Gmy)
25th October 2009
German Shepherd Dog Club Of Victoria. Inc.
84th Championship Show.
Judges: Dogs - Herr Richard Brauch. SV. (Gmy)
Bitches - Mr. Vince Tantaro. (Vic)
31st October 2009
Working Dog Club Of Victoria. Inc.
35th Championship Show.
Judges: Dogs - Mr. Vince Tantaro. (Vic)
Bitches - Herr Richard Brauch. SV. (Gmy)
1st November 2009
German Shepherd Dog Club Of Victoria. Inc.
Open Show.
Judge: Ms Linda Vaughan (Vic)
14th November 2009
German Shepherd Dog Club Of SA. Inc.
Championship Show.
Judges: Mrs. J. Neddermeyer. (Vic)
Herr. C. Ludwig. SV. (Gmy)
14th - 15th November 2009
German Shepherd Dog League. Inc.
Spring Fair Speciality Show.
Judges: Dogs & General Specials - Herr Peter Arth SV (Gmy)
Bitches - Mrs Glynis Appleby. (UK)
21st November 2009
Dogs NSW Spring Fair Show. Inc.
Championship Show.
Judges : Dogs & Best of Breed - Mrs. Glynis Appleby (UK)
Bitches - Herr Peter Arth. SV. (Gmy)
22nd November 2009
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2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012,
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