German Shepherd Dog Shows & Obedience Trials Results (Australia) 2012
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,
2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011,
2013,2014, 2015
Click on the green writing below to take you to that shows results.
Kyneton & District Kennel Club. Inc.
Championship Show
Group 5 Judge: Mrs Joylene Nedermeyer (SA)
7th January 2012
Western Tiers Kennel Club. Inc. (Tasmania)
Championship Show
Judge: Groups 4, 5, 1 and General Specials -
Mrs J. Butterfield (SA)
26th January 2012
Ballarat Dog Club. Inc. (Vic)
Championship Show.
German Shepherd Judge: Jose Novelli (NSW)
Group 5 Judge: Mrs J. Campbell.
General Specials: Mr. R. Bridgford
5th February 2012
German Shepherd Dog Club of SA. Inc.
19th Members Compition
Judge: Mr. Steve Collins (SA)
12th February 2012
German Shepherd Dog Club Tasmania. Inc.
Championship Shows.
Judges: Mr. Bruce Knight (WA)
Mr. Mike Bradley (NZ)
18th & 19th February 2012
Berwick All Breeds Kennel Club. Inc.
Championship Show.
German Shepherd Judge : Mrs. S. Money. (Vic)
19th February 2012
German Shepherd Dog Club of Qld. Inc.
Open Show.
Judge: Mrs Sherri Jewel (Qld)
25th February 2012
German Shepherd Dog Club of Qld. Inc.
Open Show.
Judge: Miss Rosemary Green (Qld)
25th February 2012
German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria. Inc.
Championship Show
Judge: Herr Erich Bosl SV. (Gmy)
10th - 11th March 2012
Newcastle & Hunter Region GSDC. Inc.
Championship Show.
Judge: Mr. Vince Tantaro (Vic)
24th - 25th March 2012
Canine Museum Foundation Kennel Club Inc
23rd Championship Show
Group 5 Judge: Ms Jane Pike (SA)
1st April 2012
German Shepherd Dog League of NSW. Inc.
Championship Show
Judge: Mr. Malcolm Griffith (UK)
7th - 8th April 2012
German Shepherd Dog Ass of WA. Inc.
1st Members Competition
Judge: Mrs Honey Gross-Richardson
10th April 2012
German Shepherd Dog Ass of WA. Inc.
State Breed Exhibition.
Judges: Mrs Joylene Neddermeyer (SA)
21st - 22nd April 2012
German Shepherd Dog Club of Vic. Inc.
21st State Breed Exhibition
Judge: Mr. Alastair Henderson
5th May 2012
Working Dog Club of WA. Inc.
Championship Show
Judge: Mr. Bruce Anderson (NZ)
5th May 2012
Working Dog Club of Qld. Inc.
Championship Show
Judge: Mrs. Fay Stokes (NSW)
5th May 2012
Clarence Dog Sports of NSW. Inc.
GSD Specialty Show
Judge: Mr Greg Green (Vic)
5th May 2012
Clarence Dog Sports of NSW. Inc.
GSD Specialty Show
Judge: Mr Russell Wenham (Qld)
6th May 2012
German Shepherd Dog Club of SA. Inc.
20th Members Compition
Judge: Mrs Robyn Knuckey (WA/France)
12th May 2012
ADWDC. Inc. (SA)
Championship Show
GSD & GSD LSC Speciality Ring Judge: Mr. Ian Urie (Vic)
13th May 2012
German Shepherd Dog Club of Australia. Inc.
40th National Championship Show & Restricted Obedience Trial.(Newcastle & Hunter Region)
Judges: Dogs - Herr Albiert Woerner. SV. (Gmy)
Bitches - Herr Heinz Scheerer . SV. (Gmy)
18th - 20th May 2012
German Shepherd Dog Club of Tasmania Inc
Championship Show
Judge: Mrs C. Collins (SA)
27th May 2012
German Shepherd Dog Club of SA. Inc.
68th & 69th Championship Shows
Judges: Mr. Frikke Kraayenburg (South Africa)
Mr. Russell Wenham (Qld)
9th & 10th June 2012
German Shepherd Dog Ass of WA. Inc.
Members GSD Specialty Competition Show
Judge: Mr. John Fenner (WA)
17th June 2012
German Shepherd Dog Leauge of NSW. Inc.
Sanction Show
Judge: Mr. Jose. Novelli (NSW)
23rd June 2012
German Shepherd Dog League of NSW. Inc.
Sanction Open Show.
Judge: Mr. D. Freshwater (NSW)
23rd June 2012
German Shepherd Dog Club of Qld. Inc.
Championship Show
Judges: Dogs & General Specials - Mr. Mike Bradley (NZ)
Bitches - Mr. Joe Summerhill (UK)
14th July 2012
German Shepherd Dog Club of Qld. Inc.
Championship Show
Judges: Dogs & General Specials - Mr. Joe Summerhill (UK)
Bitches - Mr. Mike Bradley (NZ)
15th July 2012
German Shepherd Dog Club of SA. Inc.
21st Members Compition
Judge: Mrs. Nat. Humphries (WA)
15th July 2012
German Shepherd Dog League of NSW. Inc.
State Breed Assessment
Judges: Panel of NSW GSD Specialist Judges
21st - 22nd July 2012
The Broken Hill GSD Club Inc. (NSW)
66th Championship Show
Judge: Mr. Bruce Knight (WA)
18th August 2012
The Broken Hill GSD Club Inc. (NSW)
67th Championship Show
Judge: Mr. Andrew Thor.(NSW)
19th August 2012
German Shepherd Dog Ass of WA. Inc.
Walter Martin Memorial GSD Specialty Championship Show
Championship Show
Judge: Mrs Carol O'Rourke
26th August 2012
German Shepherd Dog League of NSW. Inc.
Spring Fair Speciality Championship Show
German Shepherd Judges: Dogs - Mrs. Viv Cambridge (NZ)
Bitches - Yang Hsien Lin (China)
1st September 2012
Dogs NSW Purina International Spring Fair
Championship Show
German Shepherd Judges: Dogs - Yang Hsien Lin (China)
Bitches - Mrs. Viv McCambridge (NZ)
2nd September 2012
German Shepherd Dog Club of Qld. Inc.
State Breed Evaluation
Judge: Mr Barry O’Rourke (Qld)
15th September 2012
Working Dog Club of WA. Inc.
Championship Show
Judge: Mr Peter Flynn. (SA)
16th September 2012
German Shepherd Dog Club Tasmania. Inc.
16th State Breed Assessment
Judge: Mr. Terry Jarvis. (NSW)
23rd September 2012
German Shepherd Dog Dog Ass of WA. Inc.
4th Members GSD Specialty Competition Show
Judge: Mr. Bruce Knight (WA)
23rd September 2012
A.C.T. German Shepherd Dog Club of . Inc.
Championship Show
Judges : Herr Dieter Oeser SV (Gmy)
Francesco Capelli (Italy)
29th - 30th September 2012
German Shepherd Dog League of NSW. Inc.
Championship Show
Judge: Mrs. C. Collins. (SA)
13th October 2012
Working Dog Club of Qld. Inc.
Championship Show
Judge: Mr. Louis Donald. SV. (Qld)
21st October 2012
German Shepherd Dog Club of SA. Inc.
22nd Members Compition
Judge: Jean Butterfield (SA)
22nd October 2012
German Shepherd Dog Ass of WA. Inc.
West Coast Challaenge
Championship Show
Judge: Herr Rudiger Mai. SV (Gmy)
28th October 2012
German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria. Inc.
89th Championship Show
Judges: Dogs - Mrs. Robyn Knuckey. (WA)
Bitches - Herr Rudiger Mai
3rd November 2012
Working Dog Club of Victoria. Inc.
38th Championship Show
Judges: Dogs - Herr Rudiger Mai. SV. (Gmy)
Bitches - Mrs. Robyn Knuckey. (WA)
4th November 2012
German Shepherd Dog Club of Vic. Inc.
Open Show
Judge: Mr. Anthony Price. (Vic)
2nd December 2012
German Shepherd Dog Leauge of NSW. Inc.
Sanction Show
Judges: Dogs & General Specials - Mr. T. Jarvis (NSW)
Bitches - Mrs. J. Neddermyer (SA)
15th December 2012
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,
2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011,
2013, 2014, 2015
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