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Ch. Lashadas Xquisite. (Squizzy)
Cl. 1. 'A' (3/4) 'Z' (0/0)
Excellent Merit (Show)
Multi Excellent (Show)
Whelped 8/9/05
LaShadas Xquisite (Squizzy) 4 1/2 years old
Squizzy's 2011 Show Results
7/1/11 South Eastern Kennel Club Inc.
Championship Show.
1st Open Bitch. & Challenge Bitch & Best of Breed
Judge: Dr. Andi Hudono (Indonesia)
8/1/11 South Eastern Kennel Club Inc.
Championship Show.
1st Open Bitch. & Challenge Bitch & Best of Breed
Judge: Mr San Der-Shih (Taiwan)
9/1/11 Yarra Ranges Kennel Club Inc.
Championship Show.
1st Open Bitch. & Challenge Bitch & Best of Breed
Judge: Mr. Alex Zee. (Taiwan)
6/2/11 Ballarat Dog Club Inc.
9th Open Bitch. Very Good
Judge: Mr Rod Vernon (Qld)
Critique: Just medium size 57.5 cms. Strong
feminine head very good eye colour very good length of neck firm back level withers ideally croup should be
longer and better laid tail set high very good fore and hind angulation shown in somewhat soft condition. Just
slightly wide going correct coming with slightly loose elbows. Very good reach and drive where ideally she should
maintain her wither line.
Squizzy 6/2/11
19/2/11 German Shepherd Dog Club of Tasmania Inc.
Championship Show.
1st Open Bitch. Graded Excellent & Challenge Bitch & Best of Breed
Judge: Mrs Fay Stokes (NSW)
Gerneral Specials Judge: Mrs Joylene Neddermeyer (Vic)
Critique: 5 years 60cm. Large bitch of excellent type and proportions. Excellent pigmentation, very good head and expression with dark eyes. High wither, firm back, well molded croup. Very good angulations of the fore and hindquiarter, very good forechest and very good underline, steps correct coming and going stands correct in front. Far reaching effortless ground covering movement.
20/2/11 German Shepherd Dog Club of Tasmania Inc.
Championship Show.
1st Open Bitch. Graded Excellent & Challenge Bitch & Best of Breed
Judge: Mrs Joylene Neddermeyer (Vic)
Gerneral Specials Judge: Mrs Fay Stokes (NSW)
Critique: A bitch of absolute correct medium size, excellent colouration and pigmentation and of overall very harmonious construction. Very good length of neck, high withers, firm back, slightly short croup, the upper arm could still be a little longer and slightly better angled, very good hindquarter angulation. Stands correct in front with a very good feminine expressive head with desired dark eye colour, very good ear carriage, the eyes are just slightly round. Steps slightly narrow at rear correct in front with good firmness of hock joints the elbows could be just a little closer laying. During movement shows a very free flowing powerful expansive gait from an absolutely firm top line. The bitch is presented in very good condition and displays much harmony.
12/3/11 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria. Inc.
State Breed Exhibition.
7th Open Bitch. Graded Excellent
Judge: Mrs. Fran Farley. (Vic)
Critique: 57cms. Medium
size medium strong richly pigmented expressive feminine bitch with desired dark eye correct when viewed
from front good fore and underchest development strong neck wither could be a little more pronounced with
indentation behind wither, croup a little short good fore very good hindquarter angulation upper arm could be
a little longer but quite good angle, stepping correct in rear, shows in movement easy flowing movement with
very good reach and strong hindquarter thrust.
24/4/11 German Shepherd Dog Club of Australia. Inc.
39th National Championship Show & Trial
9th Open Bitch. Graded Excellent.
Judge: Herr Lothar Quoll. SV. (Gmy)
Critique: 5yrs. 7 1/2 months. 59cms. Above medium size and medium strong. Good expression and good pigment. Good topline, croup could be slightly longer. Good fore and very good hindquarter angulations. Correct chest proportions, stands correct in front. Steps straight in rear and narrow in front. Very roomy gait.
Squizzy 24/4/11
30/4/11 German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria. Inc
86th Championship Show
7th Open Bitch. Graded Excellent.
Judge: Mr. Russell Wenham (Qld)
Critique: Above medium size, medium strong, compact well constructed bitch of good type and
outlook. Good colouration and pigmentation. Very good head and expression with the
desired eye colour. Good strength of upper and lower jaw. Slightly short neck. Level
withers, the croup should be a little longer and better angled. Good forequarter
angulation. Correct chest development for her age. Stands correct in front. Good
underline. Very good hindquarter angulation with broad well muscled thighs short
strong hocks. Moves correct going hocks should be a little firmer, correct coming, the
elbows should be a little firmer. In movement displays very good ground covering gait
with good sequence of steps and back remains firm.
22/5/11 German Shepherd Dog Club of Tasmania. Inc
Championship Show
2nd Open Bitch. Graded Excellent.
Reserve Challenge & Runner Up In Show
Judge: Mr. Stephen Collins. (SA)
Critique: 5 1/2 years. 59cm. Above medium size, medium strong, dry and firm feminine bitch richly coloured and pigmented. Very feminine head with desired dark eye which should ideally be better shaped. She has a normal wither, firm straight back, just slightly short slightly steep croup. Very good fore and underchest development, good forequarter angulation where ideally the upper arm should be a little longer and better angled, very good hindquarter angulation. Steps correct going with just slightly infirm hocks, correct coming with good elbow connection. Displays a very good far reaching powerful movement with strong hindquarter drive and very good forehand reach.
28/5/11 Bulla Amenities Show.
The Oak Championship Show
1st Open Bitch Challenge Bitch & Runner up Best of Breed
Group 5 & German Shepherd Specalist Judge: Bruce Anderson (NZ)
11/6/11 German Shepherd Dog Club of South Australia. Inc
66th Championship Show
3rd Open Bitch. Graded Excellent.
Judge: Mrs. Honey Gross-Richardson (WA)
Critique: 69 months. 58cm. Above medium size, medium strong, harmoniously constructed, black and tan bitch of very good type. Very good head and expression, lovely masking, desired dark eye. Stand with high wither, straight back, good croup, just a little steep. Very good angulation of the fore and hindquarter. Very good fore and under chest development. Stands correct in front. Steps a little wide going, correct coming. Exhibits zestful, far reaching movement with powerful drive.
12/6/11 German Shepherd Dog Club of South Australia. Inc
67th Championship Show
3rd Open Bitch. Graded Excellent.
Judge: Mr Greg Green. (Vic)
Critique: 69 months. 58cm. Medium strong well coloured well pigmented bitch of overall very good type. Shown just slightly out of coat. Very good head and expression. Very good strength of skull, desired dark eye. Good length of neck. Stands with normal wither straight back slightly short slightly steep croup. Very good fore angulation where the upper arm should be a little longer. Very good hind quarter angulation, good breadth of thigh. Very good length of foreleg. Dry and firm. Stands correct in front, Slightly wide behind, hocks could be a little firmer, correct coming, elbows could be a little tighter. In movement shows very good ground covering gait powerful drive, free reach where the back remains firm.
Squizzy's Show Results for
2008 - 2009, 2010 & 2012 - 2013